(A) Design thickness shall be:
All other streets | The pavement design and thickness for a particular street shall be established utilizing the current IDOT design standards for the particular situation and as authorized by the Village Engineer |
Collector | Seven-inch minimum thickness, non-reinforced |
Commercial and Industrial, including alleys | Eight-inch minimum thickness, reinforced with welded wire fabric mesh or reinforcing steel |
Local residential and cul-de-sacs, multiple-family residential alleys | Six-inch thickness, non-reinforced |
(B) All pavement designs shall be authorized by the Village Engineer. The subdivider’s engineer shall provide pavement design calculations to verify compliance with design thickness requirements.
(C) Longitudinal construction joints shall be tied with #4 deformed tie bars, 30-inch long at 30-inch intervals. All joint patterns are to be authorized by the Village Engineer.
(D) Sawed contraction joints shall be provided at a maximum of 15-foot intervals.
(E) The portland cement concrete shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Have a minimum compressive strength of not less than 3,500 psi or a minimum modulus of rupture of not less than 650 pounds per square inch at an age of 14 days;
(2) Have a workable slump authorized by the Village Engineer, but in no instances greater than three inches for machine-placed concrete and no greater than four inches for small areas of hand-placed concrete. The first truckload each day and at least every fourth truckload thereafter shall be field tested;
(3) Concrete mix design shall be submitted to the Village Engineer for review prior to beginning concrete construction operations; test data from previous projects must accompany the mix design as verification of the strength of the proposed mix. Mix designs must contain a minimum of 564 pounds of cement per cubic yard of concrete;
(4) Be field tested for strength by an independent testing laboratory during construction by taking beam or cylinder specimens at a minimum rate of two every 30 cubic yards of concrete poured, with a minimum of two for pours under 30 cubic yards;
(5) Be cured by standard procedures, as authorized by the Village Engineer;
(6) Be finished with a finishing machine authorized by the Village Engineer; the machine shall be self-propelled, capable of striking off, consolidating, and finishing the concrete of the consistency required to the proper crown and grade, or other method authorized by the Village Engineer; and
(7) Be air-entrained (5% to 7%), with the first truckload each day and every fourth truckload thereafter field tested to verify the entrainment.
(F) Portland cement concrete pavements shall be protected from all traffic (including construction equipment) for a period of not less than seven days, or when test cylinders indicate that the pavement has reached a minimum compressive strength of 3,500 psi (650 psi minimum modulus of rupture).
(G) (1) Sawing of joints shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit sawing without excessive reveling, but no later than ten hours after the concrete has been placed.
(2) All joints shall be sawed to a depth of one-fourth of the thickness of the slab before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking takes place.
(3) If necessary, the sawing operations shall be carried on both during the day and night regardless of weekends, holidays, or weather conditions.
(H) The subdivider’s engineer shall provide written documentation to the Village Engineer as to the time when portland cement concrete is placed and the time when saw cutting of joints takes place.
(I) Joints in portland cement concrete pavement shall be cleaned and filled with hot or cold poured joint sealer.
(J) Expansion joints shall be provided at locations indicated on the standard attached details. The location of all expansion joints shall be depicted upon the street paving plan.
(K) Joint pattern details shall be provided in the site engineering drawings for all intersections, cul-de-sacs, and other unusual situations.
(Ord. 97-7, passed 7-1-1997, § 5.14.7)