The purpose and objectives regarding land subdivision can best be understood by considering the various duties and responsibilities associated with land subdividing. The specific duties and responsibilities of the individuals or groups listed below are clearly identified in these regulations.
   (A)   Subdivider. The subdivider is responsible for initiating discussions with the village before thoroughly preparing any subdivision drawings or plats in order to become familiar with these regulations and the public policies and objectives applicable to the territory in which the proposed subdivision lies.
   (B)   Engineer and surveyor. The Engineer and surveyor acting on behalf of the subdivider are responsible for preparing the necessary subdivision drawings, surveys, and plats and the engineering drawings and specifications as required by these regulations.
   (C)   Reviewing authority. The reviewing authority is the Board of Trustees which is responsible for reviewing the subdivision plan or plat, or portions thereof, and approving those that fully meet the provisions and requirements of these regulations.
   (D)   Plat Officer. The Chairperson of the Plan Commission shall serve as the Plat Officer and shall receive drawings, plats, and other documents as herein provided and furnish them to the various parties involved as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 97-7, passed 7-1-1997, § 4.2)