(A) Those desiring to secure a permit to conduct parades, concerts, festivals, fairs, or other such activities which are open to the general public shall, at least 15 working days prior to said event, make application for a permit to the Clerk’s office. Said application shall describe in detail the following:
(1) Proposed date and hours of the event;
(2) Expected attendance number;
(3) Purpose of the event;
(4) Use and type of any amplification devices;
(5) Location of the event;
(6) Amount of admission, if any;
(7) Name and amount of liability insurance;
(8) Method of security;
(9) Name, telephone number, and address of applicant; and
(10) The serving of any alcoholic beverages and/or food.
(B) Said application, together with a prepaid fee of $50, shall be submitted to the Clerk who will submit it for review by the village’s Police Chief, her or his successor, or an individual designated by the Board President. Fees may be waived by the village for governmental organizations, educational organizations, churches, and the Fun Day Committee. The application will be reviewed weighing the following criteria:
(1) Impact upon the immediate neighborhood of noise, traffic, litter, and all other related items;
(2) The safety of participants and village citizens;
(3) The benefit of the event upon the surrounding community; and
(4) The sufficiency of security.
(C) In issuing the permit, the approving village official shall be authorized to impose restrictions upon the hours, location, numbers in attendance, and any related matter affecting the health, safety, and welfare of those in attendance as well as the general public. Notice of approval or denial shall be mailed by first class mail to applicant’s address no later than six working days after submission of the application. In the event of denial of a permit or the imposition of unsatisfactory restrictions within the permit, the applicant may, at its election, appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees. Said appeal shall be in writing and submitted to the Clerk no later than six working days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees. In the event of cancellation of such a meeting or the lack of a quorum, the appeal shall automatically be considered at the next duly appointed meeting. In the event of such an appeal, the Board of Trustees shall review the application, consider any comments by the deciding village official and the applicant, and base its review on the above referenced criteria. A majority vote of the Board of Trustees shall be required to overturn or amend the decision of the deciding village official.
(D) In the event that applicant and/or any individuals attending applicant’s event fail to comply with any village ordinance, state statute, the terms of the permit, or any other law, the police are hereby authorized to revoke the permit during the event and close the event. In such instance, the applicant may appeal such decision to the Board of Trustees under the above referenced appeals process.
(Ord. 94-10, passed 11-1-1994)