789.05. Meat, poultry and seafood.
   Except for immediate consumption on the premises where sold, or as one of several elements comprising a ready-to-eat meal sold, as a unit, for consumption elsewhere than on the premises where sold, all meat, meat products, poultry (whole or parts) and all seafood except shellfish offered or exposed for sale or sold as food shall be offered or exposed for sale and sold by weight. When meat, poultry or seafood is combined with or associated with some other food element or elements to form either a distinctive food product or a food combination, such food product or combination shall be offered or exposed for sale and sold by weight, and the quantity representation may be the total of the product or combination, and a quantity representation need not be made for each of the several elements of the product or combination; provided, that for ready-to-cook, whole carcass, stuffed poultry, ready-to-cook stuffed poultry roasts, rolls, bars and logs and ready-to-cook stuffed poultry products designated by terms of similar import, the label must show the total net weight of the poultry product and, in proximity thereto, a statement specifying the minimum weight of poultry in the product.
(1952 Code § 26-3-5; Ord. 391-70)