511.04. Notice; appeal.
   (a)   A notice shall be mailed to the person deemed to be the owner, in control and/or the operator of an alarm system which activates or is activated and results in an unnecessary response by the Police and/or Fire Departments. The notice shall state the date, time and location with regards to the unnecessary response, as well as include the fee(s) assessed; unless it is the first false alarm for which a warning shall issue. The notice shall be from the Department that responded to the alarm, and signed by the Director, Chief or his/her designated representative.
(Ord. 331-96. Passed 5-7-96.)
   (b)   Any person provided notice under Section 511.04(a) may appeal, in writing, to the Director of Law within ten (10) business days of the date indicated in the notice. The appeal must include the reasons for contesting and/or objecting to the notice and/or fee, and must include the name, address, telephone number and notarized signature of the person submitting the appeal. The appeal may be responded to within ten (10) business days, by the Director of Law (or his/her designee) or, in the alternative, a hearing shall be scheduled on the matter. The hearing shall be before the Director of Law (or his/her designated Hearing Officer), attended by the appellant and the Safety Department representative. The Director of Law (or his/her designated Hearing Officer) shall issue a ruling on the appeal, after a hearing, within seven (7) business days after the hearing. The Director of Law (or his/her designated Hearing Officer) may uphold, cancel or modify the fee assessed.
(Ord. 534-95. Passed 8-22-95.)