105.19. Eighteenth Ward.
   The Eighteenth Ward shall consist of that part of the City bounded as follows:
   Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Navarre Avenue extended and the center of the main channel of the Maumee River; thence easterly along the centerline of Navarre Avenue to the easterly line of Section Seven, Town Ten South, Range Eight East (which is the easterly City line); thence southerly along the easterly line of Section Seven, Town Ten South, Range Eight East, to the southerly City line (which is the common boundary of Lucas and Wood Counties); thence westerly along the southerly City line to the intersection of the southeasterly extension of the centerline of Stebbins Street; thence northwesterly along the extension of the centerline of Stebbins Street to the center of the Maumee River; thence northeasterly and north along the center of the Maumee River to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 357-81. Passed 6-17-81.)