105.15. Fourteenth Ward.
   The Fourteenth Ward shall consist of that part of the City bounded as follows:
   Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Hill Ave. and the Toledo Terminal (Norfolk Southern) Railroad; thence westerly along the centerline of Hill Ave. to the centerline of Byrne Rd.; thence northerly along such centerline to the centerline of Dorr St.; thence easterly along such centerline to the centerline of Moran Ave.; thence southerly along such centerline to the centerline of Inverness Ave.; thence easterly along such centerline to the centerline of Broer Ave.; thence northerly along such centerline to the centerline of Dorr St.; thence easterly along such centerline to the centerline of Ewing St. and Ewing St. extended; thence southerly along such centerline to the centerline of Swan Creek; thence southwesterly along such centerline to its intersection with the southerly line of Section Two, Town Three, United States Reserve; thence westerly along the southerly line of Section Two and the southerly line of Section Three, Town Three, United States Reserve, which is in part the centerline of Hill Ave., to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 325-11. Passed 7-12-11.)