The Fifth Ward shall consist of that part of the City bounded as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the sixty-foot right of way of Bancroft Street with the east line of Interstate Route 475; thence southerly along the east line of Interstate Route 475 to its intersection with the south line of Lot Ten Garden Land subdivision in Section Thirty-four, Town Nine South, Range Six East; thence easterly along the south line of Lots Ten and Nine Garden Land to the north-south centerline of Fractional Section Thirty-four, Town Nine South, Range Eight East; thence southerly along the north-south centerline of Fractional Section Thirty-four to the south line of Fractional Section Thirty-four, such line being also the centerline of Dorr Street; thence westerly along the south line of Fractional Section Thirty-four to the north-south centerline of Section Three, Town Two United States Reserve; thence southerly along the north-south centerline of Section Three and continuing southerly along the north-south centerline of Section Ten to the east-west centerline of Section Ten; thence easterly along the east-west centerline of Section Ten to the centerline of the original sixty-foot right of way of Reynolds Road.
Thence northerly along the last mentioned line to its intersection with the centerline of Dorr Street; thence easterly along the last mentioned line to the intersection with the centerline of Richards Road; thence northerly along the last mentioned line to north property line of Conrail (formerly Penn Central Railroad); and the south boundary of the Village of Ottawa Hills; thence northwesterly and northerly along the boundary of the Village of Ottawa Hills and Plat Seven Ottawa Hills to the east-west centerline of Section Twenty-five, Town Nine South, Range Six East; thence westerly along the last mentioned line and continuing along the east-west centerline of Section Twenty-six and Section Twenty-seven to the north-south centerline of Section Twenty-seven; thence southerly along the last mentioned line to the centerline of Bancroft Street; thence westerly to the point of beginning.
(Ord. 357-81. Passed 6-17-81.)