115.05. Mandatory yearly ethics training and pledge of ethical conduct.
   (a)   Any member elected to the body of the Council of the City of Toledo must attend a yearly in person or online ethics training provided by the Ohio Ethics Commission. The first such training is to be completed within six months of election or appointment and then annually thereafter. A certificate of completion or other proof of attendance shall be kept on file with the Clerk of Council.
   (b)   All members of Toledo City Council shall sign the Pledge of Ethical Conduct identified in Appendix A of Title 3 of the Toledo Municipal Code at the first regular business meeting of Toledo City Council each year. In the event a newly elected or appointed Council Member is sworn in at a meeting other than the first business meeting of the year, that member shall sign the Pledge of Ethical Conduct at the first business meeting during which the Council Member assumes the duties of office. All such signed Pledges shall be kept on file with the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 356-20. Passed 9-22-20.)