1103.0211 Downtown Parking Lot Review and Improvement Advisory Committee, Composition, Jurisdiction and Procedures.
   A.   Downtown Parking Lot Review and Improvement Advisory Committee Authority
      1.   There is hereby established the Toledo Downtown Parking Lot Review and Improvement Advisory Committee ("DPLRIAC") which shall have the responsibility for reviewing all Plans and requests for variances in the DOD, for compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. The DPLRIAC shall review all Surface Parking Lot Design plans in the Downtown Overlay District and may issue variances from brick columns, the height of the fencing, or the spacing of the brick columns. No color variances for fence or columns shall be permitted.
      2.   The DPLRIAC shall recommend to the Plan Director to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove submissions for parking lot improvements and/or variances. Any applicant may appeal decisions on plans or variances by the DPLRIAC or any other interested person to the Plan Commission, in writing, within 7 days of an adverse decision of the DPLRIAC. The Plan Commission must hear such appeals within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of receipt of the appeal.
      3.   If the DPLRIAC forwards the Submission to the Toledo Plan Commission, or the decision under these Declarations is appealed to the Toledo Plan Commission, the Toledo Plan Commission shall review the Submission in accordance with these Declarations, the Toledo Municipal Code, and its Rules, and render its decision in writing.
      4.   The DPLRIAC may recommend public improvements to the public ways in the Downtown Overlay District to the Mayor and may recommend to the Mayor expenditures of any funds maintained in the revenue accruing account established pursuant to Section 743.04(C) of this Code.
   B.   DPLRIAC Composition and Term
   The DPLRIAC shall consist of not more nor less than seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Charter Section 61 but shall include:
      1.   A representative of the Downtown Toledo Improvement District,
      2.   A representative from the Toledo City Commission (or their designee),
      3.   A private parking lot owner/operator,
      4.   A public parking lot owner/operator,
      5.   A restaurant or retail store owner/operator,
      6.   A downtown resident who owns their dwelling, and
      7.   A representative of the Toledo Design Center or, if no such representative is available, an elector of the City of Toledo.
   In the event that there is a vacant position on the DPLRIAC that has not been filled by the process defined in these Declarations, the DPLRIAC, by majority vote, may temporarily appoint a person to serve on the DPLRIAC until a replacement is designated. The DPLRIAC members shall serve three year terms. A member may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
   The Chair shall be responsible for providing a non-voting Secretary for the DPLRIAC who shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes and records of the DPLRIAC. A quorum of the DPLRIAC shall consist of five (5) members, one (1) of which must be the Chair. Four (4) affirmative votes are necessary for all DPLRIAC review action, unless stated otherwise in these Declarations. In the event of a tie vote, the Chair shall render a decision on behalf of the DPLRIAC.
   The DPLRIAC may adopt Rules of Procedure ("Rules") to govern the operations of the DPLRIAC. Such Rules must be adopted by, and may be amended by, a vote of not less than four (4) members of the DPLRIAC. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the actions of the DPLRIAC unless otherwise expressly provided for in the Rules.
   The DPLRIAC may adopt provisions to allow the Chair to administratively approve certain Submissions conforming to the Declarations without review by the TWDARC.
   D. DPLRIAC Procedures
   An applicant shall forward Submissions to the DPLRIAC for preliminary review in accordance with the Declarations before review of the Submission by the DPLRIAC. The DPLRIAC shall review the Submission for conformance with the Declarations and the Toledo Municipal Code, and shall respond in writing within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Submission as to whether the Submission materially conforms to the Declarations and Toledo Municipal Code, or what modifications are needed to achieve conformance.
   If the Submission materially conforms to the Declarations and the Toledo Municipal Code, the DPLRIAC shall forward the Submission and all comments to the Toledo Plan Commission for review as provided for in this Article.
   E. DPLRIAC Liability
   The DPLRIAC, as a City of Toledo entity, shall have the liability protections granted to such bodies under the laws of the State of Ohio.
   F. Exceptions
   The DPLRIAC is authorized to recommend exceptions from any provision of the Declarations where such variances will assist in carrying out the intent and spirit of the development and where strict application of the provision would result in a particular hardship to the applicant.
   G. Public Meetings
   Regular and Special meetings of the DPLRIAC shall be subject to the public meeting and notice requirements (commonly known as the "Sunshine Laws") of the Ohio Revised Code and the Toledo Municipal Code.
   H. In the event that the DPLRIAC is no longer an official, active organization for the Downtown Parking Lots then the development plans shall be subject to the Site Plan Review procedure of the TMC Section 1111.0800.
(Ord. 355-19. Passed 7-23-19.)