1743.01. Adoption of rules and regulations.
   (a) The Director of the Department of Neighborhoods and the Director of Health are hereby authorized to make and adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper enforcement of the responsibilities as established by the provisions of this Housing Code, provided such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with the provisions or intent of this Housing Code. The Director of the Department of Neighborhoods, however, or his or her designated representative, shall enforce this Housing Code. (Ord. 39-95. Passed 1-24-95.)
   (b) All rules and regulations adopted per subsection (a) hereof shall be filed with the Clerk of Council and shall be published in the Toledo City Journal.
   (c) The provisions of this chapter are inapplicable to Chapter 1760.
(Ord. 134-15. Passed 3-31-15; Ord. 50-23. Passed 1-24-23.)