783.08. Tolerances to be allowed on all taximeters.
   The tolerances to be allowed on all taximeters shall be as follows:
   (a)   On mileage tests.
   (1)   Bench test.
   With respect to the nominal number of spindle revolutions, no tolerance in deficiency and tolerance in excess of two percent (2%) of the interval under test with an added tolerance of one hundred (100) feet whenever the initial interval is included in the interval under test.
   (2)   Wheel and road tests.
   With respect to distance computed or actually traveled, no tolerance in deficiency and a tolerance in excess of four percent (4%) of the interval of one hundred (100) feet whenever the initial is included in the interval under test. Provided, however, that on a road test if the vehicle tires are obviously worn, a tolerance in deficiency of one percent (1%) shall be allowed.
   (b)   On time tests.
   (1)   Individual time intervals.
   A tolerance of three (3) seconds per minute (five percent [5%]) in deficiency and a tolerance of six (6) seconds per minute (ten percent [10%]) in excess; provided, however, that on the initial time interval the tolerance in excess shall be nine (9) seconds per minute (fifteen percent [15%]).
   (2)   Average time interval (computed after excluding the initial interval).
   No tolerance in deficiency and a tolerance of three (3) seconds per minute (five percent [5%]) in excess.
(Ord. 304-08. Passed 10-7-08.)