765.06. Police towing districts; police tow list; tow log.
   (a)    For the purpose of providing efficient and expeditious towing service for the Toledo Police Department the Director of Public Safety shall establish the number and boundaries of police towing districts within the City.
   (b)    The Director of Public Safety or his designee is also authorized to change the number and boundaries of police towing districts from time to time, to reflect the needs of the City and/or to closely equalize the workload distribution among the licensees. If and when major changes are made, each licensee shall be notified in writing five (5) days prior to the effective date of the change.
   (c)    A police tow list of licensees shall be maintained by the Police Records Section. The police tow list shall contain the names of the licensees in each police towing district in alphabetical order. The police tow list shall also contain the names, in alphabetical order, of those licensees authorized to perform police ordered heavy duty towing. The Police tow list for police ordered heavy duty towing shall be City-wide unless the Director of Public Safety establishes heavy duty police towing districts.
   (d)    Calling for police ordered tows within police towing district shall be rotated in order among the licensees currently on the police tow list for such tow district. A similar, but separate, procedure shall be used for police ordered heavy duty tows.
   (e)    Should no licensee listed in a police towing district be available for a police ordered tow in that district, the Police Records Section may call a licensee from another towing district to effect expeditious service.
   (f)    Should the Toledo Police Department deem a life-threatening or other emergency to exist, the rotation of calls may be temporarily abrogated. Restoration of normal rotation will be immediately restored when the emergency condition is suspended.
   (g)    Should a licensee be suspended from the police tow list, such suspension shall not abrogate any other rights or obligations of the licensee pursuant to this chapter.
   (h)    Toledo Police Records shall keep a tow log upon which shall be listed the time a call for a police ordered tow is made, the licensee called, the location of the vehicle to be towed, and such other information as the Director of Public Safety may determine.
(Ord. 432-08. Passed 7-15-08.)