(a) No person shall install, construct or operate a waste material facility within the City of Toledo without first obtaining the approval of the Division of Environmental Services. The application for approval shall contain:
(1) The activities conducted by the applicant which require the approval of the Division of Environmental Services;
(2) Name, mailing address, and location of the facility for which the application is submitted;
(3) The operator's name, address, telephone number and ownership status;
(4) A listing of all permits or approvals, state or federal, received or applied for, under any of the following programs:
A. Hazardous waste;
B. Underground injection control;
C. National pollutant discharge elimination system;
D. Prevention of significant deterioration (Clean Air Act);
E. Nonattainment (Clean Air Act);
F. National emission standards for hazardous pollutants;
G. Ocean dumping (Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act);
H. Other relevant environmental permits.
(5) A topographic map (or other map if a topographic map is unavailable) extending one mile beyond the property boundaries of the facility or activity, depicting the facility and each of its intake and discharge structures, and those wells, springs, other surface water bodies and drinking water wells listed in public records or otherwise known to the applicant within one- quarter mile of the facility property boundary.
(6) A brief description of the nature of the business.
(7) A description of the process to be used for the treatment, storage, transfer or disposal of waste material and the design and capacity of each unit.
(8) An estimate of the quantity of waste material to be treated, stored, transferred or disposed of annually.
(b) The Division of Environmental Services shall not grant permission to install, construct or operate a waste material facility unless all siting criteria specified in Section 1777.07 have been met and the applicant has demonstrated that, because of the nature or volume of the waste material and the manner of management applied, the facility will pose no danger to the health and safety of persons living in the vicinity of the facility. In addition, the applicant shall demonstrate that the facility is to be located or operated in an area where the proposed waste material activities will not be incompatible with existing land uses in the area.
(Ord. 400-99. Passed 6-8-99.)