(a) Application for a license to establish, conduct, operate, maintain or modify a construction and/or demolition debris facility shall be submitted to the Director of the Toledo Health Department, or his/her designated representative, on the form designated by Revised Code Chapter 3714 and the OAC regulations adopted in furtherance thereof, as well as pursuant to this chapter.
(b) The applicant, application, and the site or facility to be licensed or licensed pursuant to this chapter must comply with the provisions in R.C. Chapter 3714, the OAC regulations adopted in furtherance thereto, and the dictates of this chapter. The applicant shall be the owner or CEO of the site-facility to be licensed and shall provide one original and eight copies of the application, inclusive of all items and exhibits attached thereto, to the Toledo Health Director.
(c) Copies of the application, inclusive of all items and exhibits attached thereto, provided by the applicant shall be submitted by the Director of the Toledo Health Department, or his/her designated representative, to the following entities for their review and recommendation:
(1) Fire Department
(2) Transportation Division
(3) Solid Waste Division
(4) Inspection (Bldg) Division
(5) Environmental Services Division
(6) Toledo City Plan Commission
(d) The review and recommendation by the above-listed entities shall be in reference and pursuant to Revised Code Chapter 3714, the OAC regulations enacted in furtherance thereto, and this chapter, as well as the respective mandates, mission and regulations of the above-listed entities; inclusive of protecting the health, safety and well-being of the community and the environment. The recommendation, approving or rejecting the application must be provided, by each of the above-listed entities, within forty-five (45) days from the date the application is submitted to each entity by the Toledo Health Department.
(e) The Director of the Toledo Health Department may not issue the license unless the applicant has paid the license application fee pursuant to R.C. § 3714.07, each of the entities listed in (c) above has recommended approval of the license, the application is in compliance with Revised Code Chapter 3714, as well as the Ohio Administrative Code regulations enacted in furtherance thereof, and issuance of the license is in the best interest of the community and the environment.
(f) A license issued pursuant to this chapter may be issued with such terms and conditions as the Director of Health, or his/her designated representative, finds appropriate and necessary to ensure that the facility complies with Revised Code Chapter 3714, OAC regulations enacted in furtherance thereof and the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 432-97. Passed 6-24-97.)