1317.01. Right of condemnation.
   (a)   All buildings or structures that are or hereafter become unsafe, unsanitary or deficient in adequate exit facilities, or which constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare or which, by reason of illegal or improper use, occupancy or maintenance shall be deemed unsafe buildings or structures, are hereby declared to be public nuisances. (1952 Code § 10-1-10.100)
   (b)   All unsafe buildings shall be taken down and removed or made safe and secured as the Chief Building Official may deem necessary.
   (c)   A vacant building, unguarded or open at doors or windows, shall be deemed a fire hazard and unsafe within the meaning of this Building Code.
(Ord. 128-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1317.02. Restoration of unsafe buildings.
   A building or structure deemed unsafe by the Chief Building Official may be restored to a safe condition provided no change of use or occupancy is contemplated or compelled by reason of such reconstruction or restoration, except that if the damage or cost of reconstruction or restoration is in excess of fifty percent of its replacement value, exclusive of foundations, such building shall be made to comply in all respects with the requirements for materials and methods of construction of buildings hereafter erected. (1952 Code § 10-1-10.101)
(Ord. 128-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1317.03. Vacating buildings.
   (a)   When in the opinion of the Chief Building Official there is actual and immediate danger of failure or collapse of a building or structure or any part thereof which would endanger life, or when any structure or part of a structure has fallen and life is endangered by the occupation of the building, the Chief Building Official is hereby authorized and empowered to order and require the occupants to vacate the same forthwith.
   (b)   No person shall enter such building or structure except for the purpose of making a required repair, or of demolishing the same.
(Ord. 128-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1317.04. Temporary safeguards.
   (a)   When in the opinion of the Chief Building Official there is actual and immediate danger of collapse or failure of a building or structure or any part thereof which would endanger life, he shall order the vacation of the premises in unsafe condition as well as adjacent premises.
   (b)   The Police Division shall upon request of the Chief Building Official, summarily enforce such order of vacation and divert traffic where necessary.
(Ord. 128-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1317.05. Closing streets.
   When necessary for the public safety, the Chief Building Official may temporarily close sidewalks, streets, buildings and structures and places adjacent to same, and prohibit same from being used.
(Ord. 128-15. Passed 3-31-15.)