1105.0500 Liquid petroleum gas storage in Residential Districts.
   1105.0501 Special Use approval in accordance with Section 1111.0700 is required for liquid petroleum gas storage in Residential Districts in the following instances:
   A.   One or more liquid petroleum gas containers of more than 2,000 gallons water capacity in the aggregate; or
   B.   A central supply serving three or more dwelling units, or more than one building not including accessory structures.
(Ord. 170-04. Passed 3-23-04.)
   1105.0502 Installations must conform to:
   A.   The requirements for permits set forth in Chapters 1511 of the Fire Prevention Code and 1365 of the Building Code pertaining to liquefied petroleum gases; and
   B.   regulation promulgated by the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Division of Building Inspection relative to the storage, handling and installation of equipment for liquefied petroleum gases.
(Ord. 170-04. Passed 3-23-04; Ord. 510-21. Passed 9-28-21.)
   1105.0503 The Special Use review should address at least the following matters:
   A.   Fencing and/or barriers, screening and landscaping, subject also to Fire Prevention Bureau review.
   B.   Location within the subdivision or residential area.
   C.   Effect on the surrounding land use or uses.
   D.   Vehicular access.
(Ord. 170-04. Passed 3-23-04.)