(1) Conformity to Thoroughfare Plan
Whenever a tract of land to be subdivided or resubdivided includes any part of a proposed right-of-way as designated on the Tipp City Thoroughfare Plan, such right-of-way shall be platted by the subdivider in the location so designated and at the width indicated in these regulations.
(2) General Design and Arrangement
The street and right-of-way plan of a proposed subdivision shall bear a logical relationship to the topography of the property, and all streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many of the building lots as possible at or above the grade of the streets. The grades of streets shall conform to the original topography to the maximum extent feasible.
(3) Street Dedications
A street and right-of-way that is not constructed to city standards will not be accepted by the city for dedication as a public street and right-of-way. However, even a street or right-of-way that complies with all applicable city standards may not be accepted for dedication. Acceptance of street or right-of-way dedication is at the discretion of the City Council by passage of an ordinance.
(4) Street Classification
(a) Typical Street Types
The following are the types of streets found or planned in Tipp City. The street types are defined in the definitions section of these regulations and further prescribed in the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards:
(i) Freeway
(ii) Principal arterial street
(iii) Minor arterial street
(iv) Major collector street
(v) Minor collector street
(vi) Local access street
(vii) Alley
(b) Special Street Types and Street Requirements
The following requirements shall apply to special street types or under the specified circumstances:
(i) Dead End Streets and Cul-de-Sacs
A. Temporary Dead-End Streets
1. Temporary dead-end streets shall be permitted only where there are future plans to continue the street into another phase of the subdivision or into an adjacent, future subdivision. In such cases, a temporary turnaround shall be provided with a design approved by the City Engineer.
2. Provisions for maintenance and the removal of the temporary dead-end street shall be required of any additional plat approvals.
3. Temporary dead-end streets longer than 600 feet are prohibited.
4. A "T" turnaround (temporary only) may be permitted in-lieu of a cul-de-sac that is required for permanent dead-end streets. Such turnarounds shall be designed to allow vehicles to turn around with only 1 backing-up movement. See Figure 155.04-A. The turnaround area shall be the same width as the street it abuts and shall be at least 75 feet long.

5. If the dead-end street is temporary and a further extension into adjacent land is anticipated, then the above turning circle requirement shall not apply completely. For temporary dead-end streets, the turning circle shall not have to be paved beyond the normal street pavement width but sufficient land to accommodate a full turning circle shall be dedicated for a future turning circle should it become necessary to construct a permanent turning circle. Once the temporary dead-end street is extended, the land dedicated for use as a turning circle may be vacated to abutting lots.
6. If a dead-end street extends 1 lot depth or less past a street intersection, no temporary turning circle will be required.
B. Permanent Dead-End Streets
1. Permanent dead-end streets are prohibited unless they include a turn around (cul-de-sac) in accordance with this subsection.
2. Permanent dead-end streets shall not exceed 600 feet in length as measured from the centerline of the intersecting street to the center of the turn-around. Permanent dead-end streets may be longer where unique topographic or other physical conditions exist making a through street impractical.
3. All permanent dead-end streets shall be designed with a turning circle having an outside pavement diameter (curb face to curb face) of at least 80 feet and a front lot line diameter of at least 100 feet.
(ii) Alleys
A. The establishment of new alleys is prohibited after the effective date of these regulations.
B. Alleys are prohibited in residential subdivisions except where justified by extreme conditions and where the subdivider can demonstrate adequate maintenance provisions.
C. Alleys may be required in commercial and industrial districts if other provisions cannot be made for adequate service access.
(iii) Streets for Nonresidential Subdivisions
A. Streets serving nonresidential developments (e.g., commercial or industrial) and accessory parking areas shall be planned to connect with collector or arterial streets so as not to generate traffic on local access streets.
B. The spacing of driveways serving nonresidential subdivisions is established in the Tipp City Zoning Code.
C. The City Engineer may require local access streets (frontage streets) that run parallel to an arterial or collector street to provide maximum safety and convenience.
D. Streets shall be planned to be extended to the boundaries of any adjoining land planned for industry.
(iv) Private Streets
Private streets are prohibited.
(5) Street Extensions
(a) The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provisions for the proper continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas to promote connectivity in the transportation network.
(b) Where adjoining areas are not subdivided and are appropriate for future subdivision, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the proper projection of streets and sidewalks to that adjoining area in a manner that shall provide for the practical development of the adjacent property, permit a feasible extension of the street network, and in general conform with the Tipp City Thoroughfare Plan and plans for the most advantageous development of the entire neighborhood.
(c) The creation of cul-de-sacs in close proximity to adjacent, developable properties, shall be prohibited unless the subdivider can demonstrate unique topographical or lot layout issues that would prevent extension to adjacent developments.
(d) Dedication of one-half of the rights-of-way (half streets) for streets proposed to be parallel along the boundaries of the land being subdivided shall be prohibited. Where a dedicated or platted half street exists adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted and improved.
(6) General Street and Right-of-Way (ROW) Design Standards
This section outlines general street and right-of-way design standards. Additional standards are established by the City Engineer in the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards.
(a) Table 155.04-1 establishes the basic street and right-of-way width requirements, as well as the minimum and maximum grades allowed, for different street types in the city.
(b) The minimum pavement width required in Table 155.04-1 shall be measured from curb back to curb back.
(c) Street shall be designed and laid out in the manner indicated by the typical street cross sections shown in the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards.
Type of Street | Minimum ROW (feet) | Minimum Pavement Width (Feet) | Grades % | |
Maximum | Minimum | |||
Principal Arterial Street | 100 | 64 | 7 | 0.5 |
Type of Street | Minimum ROW (feet) | Minimum Pavement Width (Feet) | Grades % | |
Maximum | Minimum | |||
Principal Arterial Street | 100 | 64 | 7 | 0.5 |
Minor Arterial Street | 80 | 52 | 7 | 0.5 |
Major Collector Street | 70 | 39 | 8 | 0.5 |
Minor Collector Street | 60 | 39 | 8 | 0.5 |
Local Access Street | 50 | 29 | 8 | 0.5 |
Alley | 20 | 12 for 1-way 18 for 2-way | 4 | 0.5 |
(d) Table 155.04-2 establishes the standards for horizontal curves, reverse curves, sight distances for each street type.
Type of Street | Horizontal Curve | Reverse Curve | Sight Distance |
Minimum Radius (Feet) | Required Tangent (Feet) | Minimum (Feet) |
Type of Street | Horizontal Curve | Reverse Curve | Sight Distance |
Minimum Radius (Feet) | Required Tangent (Feet) | Minimum (Feet) | |
Principal Arterial Street | 400 | 250 | 450 |
Minor Arterial Street | 400 | 150 | 350 |
Major Collector Street | 300 | 100 | 275 |
Minor Collector Street | 200 | 50 | 200 |
Local Access Street | 200 | 50 | 200 |
Alley | Alleys shall maintain a straight alignment. | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
(e) All streets shall be paved with Portland cement concrete or asphalt concrete and constructed in accordance with the specifications in the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards.
(f) Subdivisions platted along existing streets shall dedicate additional right-of-way, if necessary, to meet the minimum street width requirements set forth for new streets in Table 155.04-1 above. Such dedication shall be in accordance with the following:
(i) At least the minimum right-of-way width shall be dedicated where the subdivision is on both sides of an existing street.
(ii) When the subdivision is located on only 1 side of an existing street, one-half (0.5) of the required right-of-way width, measured from the centerline of the right-of-way, shall be dedicated. However, in no case shall the owner or owners of such property be forced to dedicate from their land more than one-half (0.5) of the required rights-of-way width unless required by a traffic impact analysis as may be required by the Tipp City Zoning Code.
(g) Where there is a change in the alignment of a street along the centerline (horizontal curve), the street design shall comply with the horizontal curve requirements of Table 155.04-2.
(h) A minimum tangent as established in Table 155.04-2 shall be provided where there are reverse curves along the alignment of a street.
(i) The minimum vertical curve length required shall be calculated by multiplying the algebraic difference in grades by a "K" factor. Rounded "K" factors for the 3 street classification types are as follows:
(i) The K factor for local access streets and minor collector streets is 15 for both crest and sag curves.
(ii) The K factor for major collector streets, minor arterial streets, and principal arterial streets is 20 for both crest and sag curves.
(7) Curbs and Gutters
(a) The subdivider shall construct combined curb and gutters in all residential areas in conformance with the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards.
(b) All curbs and gutters shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with the specifications in the Tipp City Subdivision Design and Construction Standards.
(8) Intersections
(a) The centerline of all streets shall intersect as nearly at a 90 degree angle as possible, but in no case shall the angle of intersection be less than 75 degrees or greater than 105 degrees.
(b) The use of 4-way type intersections shall be discouraged where possible and the use of T-intersections shall be encouraged.
(c) Table 155.04-3 establishes minimum centerline offsets to be applied where T-intersections are used as well as the minimum curb radius that shall apply to each intersection type.
Type of Street Intersection | Minimum Centerline Offset of Adjacent Intersections (Feet) | Minimum Curb Radius (Feet) [1] |
Type of Street Intersection | Minimum Centerline Offset of Adjacent Intersections (Feet) | Minimum Curb Radius (Feet) [1] |
Local Access - Local Access | 150 | 20 |
Local Access - Minor Collector | 150 | 25 |
Minor Collector - Major Collector | 250 | 30 |
Major Collector - Minor or Principal Arterial | 250 | 35 |
Principal Arterial - Principal Arterial | 250 | 50 |
Note: [1] In the case of a local access street or any collector street intersection in a commercial or industrial area, the minimum curb radius shall be increased to 50 feet. | ||
(d) Property lines at street intersections shall be provided with a radius of not less than 15 feet. If, because of certain exceptional conditions, a modification is granted permitting an angle of intersection less than 75 degrees or greater than 105 degrees, then the minimum radii shall be increased or decreased respectively.
(e) Grades approaching intersections should not exceed 3% for a distance of not less than 100 feet from the centerline of said intersections for minor streets, and 150 feet for collector streets. Low points that would result in water ponding or poor visibility shall be prohibited.
(f) Arterial streets should not intersect with local access streets.
(g) The following shall be used in the design of subdivisions adjacent to freeways or arterial streets:
(i) The overall subdivision design, including the street and lot layout, shall have the purpose of making adjacent lots desirable by cushioning the impact of heavy traffic, and of minimizing the interference with traffic on such freeways or arterial streets.
(ii) The number of intersections with collector streets or arterial streets along said freeways or arterial streets shall be held to a minimum. Wherever practicable such intersections shall be spaced not less than 1/4 mile apart. Frontage streets shall be encouraged.
(iii) Frontage streets, if required, shall conform to the standards specified in these regulations. Frontage streets shall enter arterial streets by means of bulb-type intersections capable of stacking a minimum of 4 cars on the frontage street intersection.
(iv) Where frontage streets are not required, residential lots adjacent to such arterial streets shall be served by a minor street paralleling said arterial street.
(v) When the rear of any lot borders any such freeways or arterial streets, the subdivider may be required to execute and deliver to the city an instrument, deemed sufficient by the city's legal counsel, prohibiting the right of ingress and egress from said freeway or arterial street to said lot. This may be in the form of a deed for a one-foot strip of unimproved land for non-street purposes.
(9) Street Names
(a) The name of a new street shall not duplicate existing or platted names in Miami County, or approximate such names in spelling, sound, or pronunciation, or by the use of alternate suffixes such as "Lane", "Way", "Drive", "Court", "Avenue", or "Street".
(b) New street names shall bear the same name of any continuation of, or when in alignment with, an existing or platted street.
(c) For purposes of street naming, the following suffixes shall apply:
(i) "Avenue" shall be used only for streets that run in a generally east-west direction;
(ii) "Boulevard" or "drive" shall be used only for a large, meandering-type street;
(iii) "Circle" or "court" shall be used only for cul-de-sac-type streets that run in a generally east-west direction;
(iv) "Lane" or "place" shall be used only for cul-de-sac-type streets that run in a generally north-south direction;
(v) "Road" or "way" shall be used only for streets that run in a diagonal manner, either a generally northwest-southeast direction or a northeast-southwest direction;
(vi) "Street" shall be used only for arterial streets that run in a generally north-south direction;
(vii) The words "north", "south", "east", or "west" should be avoided as part of a street name whenever possible.
(viii) The City Engineer shall have the authority to approve alternative nomenclature than the names above.
(d) All street names shall be approved by the City Engineer before approval of the final plat.
(10) Street Signs and Address Numbering
(a) The subdivider shall contact the city to arrange for the installation of traffic-control signs, street signs, and devices which shall be in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices prepared by the Joint Commission on Traffic-Control Devices, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads.
(b) Address numbers shall be assigned by the city in accordance with the current numbering system.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014; Am. Ord. 30-15, passed 6-15-2015)