The Civil Service Commission of the municipality shall consist of 3 members who are electors of the municipality, and who hold no elective office.  The Council shall appoint each member of the Civil Service Commission, and shall initially appoint 1 for a term of 2 years, 1 for 4 years, and 1 for 6 years.  Each alternate year thereafter, the Council shall appoint 1 person, as successor to the member whose term has expired, to serve 6 years.  A vacancy shall be filled by Council for the unexpired term.  The Civil Service Commission established herein shall have the authority, powers, duties, and responsibilities conferred by the Revised Code, except as the Charter of the municipality makes different provisions in any particular.  Members of the Civil Service Commission shall hold no other municipal office or municipal employment.
(1974 Code, § 36.01)  (Ord. 7-71, passed 3-1-1971; Am. Ord. 39-77, passed 7-5-1977)