(1)   Conformance Required
      (a)   All pre-existing legal nonconforming signs shall be brought into conformity under any of the following conditions:
         (i)   Upon the discontinuance of the present use of property for a period of more than 6 months; or
         (ii)   Upon the issuance of a zoning compliance permit for a new sign on the same zoning lot.
      (b)   Upon alterations to a nonconforming sign, the following regulations shall apply:
         (i)   Any legal nonconforming sign shall not be altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended, or relocated except in conformity with the provisions of this section.
         (ii)   The repainting or refacing of existing nonconforming signs, including a face change, where there are no structural changes shall not be considered an alteration within the meaning of this section. Such work shall not require a zoning compliance permit.
   (2)   Existing Signs
   Except as otherwise specifically provided, nothing in this section shall require the removal or discontinuance of a legally existing nonconforming permanent display sign, which is attached to the property, as distinguished from a temporary or portable sign, that is not altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended or relocated.
   (3)   Special Signs in the RA Overlay District
   Any nonconforming sign that is determined by the Restoration Board to be historically significant in its context or to the community as a whole may be maintained in its historic form and shall not be subject to the removal provisions of § 154.11(N). The Restoration Board may add such sign to the list of special signs in § 154.11(L)(3).
   (4)   Maintenance and Repair
   All existing non-conforming signs shall be kept in a state of good repair, good working order, and in a safe condition, free from fading, peeling paint, broken, cracked or missing faces, rotting/decaying supporting structures or frames, improperly or partially functioning lighting fixtures, or other aesthetically displeasing characteristics.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)