(A)   The regular monthly business meeting of the Restoration Board shall be held in the Tipp City Government Center at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  All meetings are open to the public for attendance and participation and shall be announced to the public and the news media at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. When a quorum is not available to convene a meeting, or when no business has been submitted for review by the Restoration Board, the Chairperson, or in his or her absence the Vice-Chairperson or 2 other members of the Restoration Board, or city staff may cancel or postpone a regular meeting.
   (B)   The Chairperson or any 2 members may call a work session or additional business meeting. Work sessions are for the purpose of studying appropriate matters pertinent to the duties of the Restoration Board.  The public is invited to attend the entire work session and may participate during the first and last l5 minutes, and at other times at the discretion of the Chairperson, of such sessions in matters relative to the agenda or matters discussed during the work session.  Notice of the call for a work session shall be communicated to the public and the news media at least 24 hours in advance of said meeting.
   (C)   All meetings, including executive meetings, shall be held and conducted in conformance with R.C. § 121.22. Executive sessions may only be held to discuss pending litigation, personnel matters, purchase or sale of real estate by the City of Tipp City, or other matters permitted by law. No action may be taken in executive session.
   (D)   Quorum for all meetings and work sessions shall consist of 4 members present at the meeting.
   (E)   All questions concerning the governance of the Restoration Board business meetings and the transaction of such business shall be decided in accordance with the appropriate sections of Chapter 36 and 154 of the Tipp City Code of Ordinances, adopted rules of the Restoration Board, and parliamentary rules as contained in the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
(1974 Code, § 36.83)  (Ord. 50-88, passed 9-19-1988; Am. Ord. 67-92, passed  - -1992; Am. Ord. 03-02, passed 2-4-2002)