(1) Multi-Family Dwellings
(a) Applicability
The standards of this subsection shall apply to all structures that contain 3or more dwelling units.
(b) Architectural Standards
(i) Front façades shall incorporate wall offsets in the form of projections and/or recesses in the façade plane a minimum of every 40 feet of façade frontage.
(ii) Wall offsets shall have a minimum depth of 2 feet.
(iii) In addition to wall offsets, front façades shall provide a minimum of 3of the following design features for each residential unit that has a façade that faces onto a public or private street (See Figure 154.08-A.):
A. One or more dormer windows or cupolas;
B. A recessed entrance;
C. A covered porch;
D. Pillars, posts, or pilasters;
E. One or more bay windows with a minimum 12 inch projection from the façade plane;
F. Eaves with a minimum six-inch projection from the façade plane;
G. A parapet wall with an articulated design, which entails design variation rather than a simple rectilinear form; or
H. Multiple windows with a minimum four-inch wide trim.
(iv) To the degree practicable, all roof vents, pipes, antennas, satellite dishes, and other roof penetrations and equipment (except chimneys) shall be located on the rear elevations or configured to have a minimal visual impact as seen from the street.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)