(A)   Every business establishment for which a valet parking operation license is issued shall, during the hours of service, display an 18-by-24-inch valet parking operation license sign issued by the village.
      (1)    During the hours of operation, the valet parking operation license sign shall be prominently displayed in or about the valet parking vehicle transfer area.
      (2)   The valet parking operation license sign shall only be displayed and the transfer zone shall only be in effect during the hours that valet service is provided.
      (3)   A licensee's improper display of, or failure to display the valet parking license sign, or the use of such sign to restrict or exclude public parking at unauthorized times or locations, shall subject the operator to the penalties set forth in this chapter and other applicable provisions of this code.
      (4)   Every licensee providing service must post the name of the operator and the rate, if any, onto the valet parking operation license sign in four-inch dark lettering.
      (5)   The Director of Public Works shall inspect the establishment to determine that the name and the rates, if any, are accurately and properly posted, and shall suspend any valet parking operation license for any business establishment being served for as long as the licensee fails to post its rates and name as required herein.
   (B)   Except under lawful conditions, no valet parking operator shall park, or suffer its agent to park, customers' vehicles upon the streets or public rights-of-way.
      (1)   The fine for any parking or compliance violations incurred by a vehicle while in the custody of a valet parking operator shall be the sole responsibility of the valet parking operator and shall, upon the occurrence of a final determination of liability, constitute a debt due and owing to the village.
      (2)   The valet parking operator's failure to pay any such fine, upon notice by the village, shall subject the operator to the penalties set forth in this chapter and other applicable provisions of this code.
      (3)   The village may seek restitution with respect to any fine paid by the customer of the valet parking operator.
   (C)   When on duty, each attendant of a valet parking operator shall wear, conspicuously placed on his clothing, an insignia identifying the valet parking operator for whom the attendant is working, and reflective vests clearly identifying the attendant to the general public, including motorists.
   (D)   Upon taking custody of a customer's vehicle, all valet parking attendants must issue a numbered receipt to each customer containing:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the company providing the valet service;
      (2)   A statement that the company has liability insurance as required by § 129E.03 of this chapter;
      (3)   The charge for the valet service;
      (4)   The time and date the valet parking operator took custody of the vehicle; and
      (5)   The license plate number of the vehicle.
   (E)   When a valet parking attendant returns custody of the vehicle to the owner, the attendant must enter on the receipt the time and date the valet parking operator surrendered custody of the vehicle, and return the receipt to the customer.
   (F)   While in control of a customer's vehicle, every valet parking operator or attendant shall at all times carry on his or her person a valid current driver's license.
(Ord. 2001-O-014, passed 3-20-01) Penalty, see § 129E.99