(A)   For the purpose of maintaining adequate water levels in storm water retention ponds utilized as the water source for landscape irrigation systems, the installation of irrigation wells will be allowed pursuant to the criteria outline in divisions (A)(1) through (A)(4) and divisions (C) through (H).
      (1)   Only areas in excess of three acres shall be allowed to install irrigation wells for the purpose of recharging retention ponds used as a supply for landscape irrigation.
      (2)   The storm water retention pond must be wholly owned and maintained by the person, business or entity wishing to install the irrigation well.
      (3)   In cases where the pond is owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association or other non-public entity, a special service area will be established by the village, at the expense of the Homeowners Association or other non-public entity, for the maintenance, repair, replacement or abandonment of said well and associated equipment. The special service area will remain inactive pending necessity for the village to maintain, repair, replace and/or abandon the well and equipment due to failure of the Homeowners Association or other non-public entity to maintain same in accordance with village, state and/or federal regulations.
      (4)   Irrigation wells for the purpose of recharging retention ponds shall be designed to have a maximum pump capacity of 20 gallons per minute. Wells in excess of this standard will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be approved by the Village Board.
   (B)   For the purpose of irrigating public and quasi-public athletic fields, and similar areas with at least 40,000 square feet of open fields or green space, the installation of irrigation wells will be allowed pursuant to the criteria outlined in divisions (B) through (H).
      (1)   Only athletic fields owned and operated by public and quasi-public entities, or similar areas with at least 40,000 square feet of open fields or greenspace, will be allowed to install wells for the purpose of irrigating the fields.
      (2)   Water from the irrigation wells can only be used for irrigation purposes. In no circumstance may water from the wells be used for human consumption, food preparation, cleaning and the like.
      (3)   Wells for the purpose of irrigating fields shall be designed to have a maximum pump capacity of 20 gallons per minute. Wells in excess of this standard will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Village Board.
      (4)   In cases where the field is owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association or other non-public entity, a special service area will be established by the village, at the expense of the Homeowners Association or other non-public entity, for the maintenance, repair, replacement or abandonment of the well and associated equipment. The special service area will remain inactive pending necessity for the village to maintain, repair, replace and/or abandon the well and equipment due to failure of the Homeowners Association or other non-public entity to maintain same in accordance with village, state and/or federal regulations.
   (C)   All costs for the installation and maintenance of the wells will be the responsibility of the individual or entity requesting same.
   (D)   Application for the water wells must be made to the village Public Works Department on a form provided by the village and must include all pump design and performance standards for the well.
   (E)   Appropriate permits for the installation of the wells must be obtained from the village Building Department. These permits may include provisions for new electric service installations specifically required to supply power to the wells. Permits for wells must be renewed annually.
   (F)   In addition to the village permitting process the applicant or their agent must obtain any other required permits from the appropriate federal, state, county or other agency governing the installation of water wells in the State of Illinois, including without limitation the Illinois Department of Public Health.
   (G)   Any water well constructed or installed in the village must comply with the requirement of the Illinois Water Well Construction Code, ILCS Ch. 415, Act 30 §§ 1 et seq., and the Illinois Water Well Pump Installation Code, ILCS Ch. 415, Act 35 §§ 1 et seq., and any rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
   (H)   No water from any well allowed pursuant to this section may be piped or plumbed into any building.
(Ord. 2006-O-034, passed 7-18-06)