Each ordinance and resolution passed by the Council shall be presented to the Mayor or left at the Mayor's office. The Mayor may approve or veto the ordinance or resolution, and may veto any item of an ordinance or resolution appropriating money. The Mayor shall return the ordinance or resolution with the Mayor's approval or veto, or without either approving or vetoing it, either to the Clerk of Council within ten days after it is presented to the Mayor or left at the Mayor's office or at the first regular Council meeting occurring at least ten days after the ordinance or resolution was presented to the Mayor or left at the Mayor's office. If the Mayor vetoes the ordinance, resolution or an item thereof appropriating money, the Mayor shall submit the reasons for the veto in writing to the Clerk of Council or to Council itself, which reasons shall be entered in the Council's journal by the Clerk. Any veto by the Mayor shall be returned either to the Clerk of Council no later than ten days after the ordinance or resolution was presented to the Mayor or left at the Mayor's office or at the first regular Council meeting occurring at least ten days after the ordinance or resolution was presented to the Mayor or left at the Mayor's office. The Council may, not sooner than ten days, nor later than twenty-one days after a veto is received by the Clerk of Council or by the Council, override the veto of the Mayor by a vote of at least two-thirds of its members, and thereby adopt the measure. Section 4.07 of this Charter shall govern the effective date of ordinances and resolutions.
(Amended 11-6-01; 11-2-21)