(a)   Whenever the City Administrator has knowledge of hazard or menace to the safe movement or control of traffic by reason of the obstruction of the view of any street light, traffic control device, traffic control signal or of any public street intersection, by any tree, shrub or other plant, or parts thereof, planted on private property, he shall have the authority and it shall be his duty forthwith to notify in writing the owner, agent or person having charge or control of the property, or, in lieu thereof, the person in possession, requiring such trimming, changes, transplanting or removal to be made as may be deemed by him to be necessary to correct the condition which he describes. He shall set a time within which such condition shall be corrected, which shall not be less than twenty-four hours from the time of notice.
   (b)   Whenever the City Administrator is unable to find the owner of such property, or the agent or person in charge or control thereof, or any person in possession of the premises, upon which such notice may be served, he shall address, stamp and mail such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested to such person at the last known address.
(Ord. 10-16. Passed 4-19-10.)