(a)   No connection, other than a connection made by the City, shall be made to a sewer installed and paid for by a developer or individual without the payment of a Cost Recovery Fee to said developer or individual as set forth in Section 905.12. The Cost Recovery Fee shall be in addition to any other applicable fee or charge required under Chapter 905.
   (b)   Developers or individuals who extend a sewer line are entitled to be reimbursed by property owners who connect to the sewer line that they have extended subject to the provisions of Section 905.12. Reimbursement will cease twenty-five years after the sewer line has been placed in service. If the cost of the project is supplemented by the City or Seneca County, the developer or individual will be reimbursed only his proportionate share. The amount of reimbursement, as determined by the City Engineer, shall be based on the proposed use of the property to be connected, and calculated as follows:
Units Per Day
Home (one family)
200 per living unit + 50 per bedroom
Assembly halls
400 + 2 per seat
Auto repair shops
400 + 20 per repair station + 30 per employee*
Bowling alleys (no food service)
400 + 75 per lane
400 + 4 per sanctuary seat
Country clubs
400 + 50 per member
Car wash
Full service
3500 for first bay + 2500 for each additional
1500 for first bay + 1000 for each additional
Do-it-yourself (handbay)
350 per bay
400 + 75 per doctor* + 20 per employee*        + 10 per patient
400 + 30 per employee*
Food service operations
Ordinary restaurant (not 24 hour)
400 + 35 per seat
24 hour restaurant
400 + 50 per seat
       Banquet rooms
400 + 5 per seat
400 + 35 per seat
Drive-in (curb service)
400 + 50 per car space
Institutions (residents)
400 + 100 per person
Laundries (coin operated)
400 per standard size machine
Mobile home parks
300 per mobile home space
400 + 100 per unit
Nursing and rest homes
400 + 50 per non-resident employee* +        200 per resident
Office buildings
400 + 20 per employee*
Rental store
400 + 20 per employee*
Schools, elementary
400 + 15 per pupil*
Middle, junior high, high school
400 + 20 per pupil*
Service stations
1000 first bay or pump island + 500 for       each additional bay or pump island
Shopping centers (food service extra)
400 + 0.2 per square foot of floor space
400 + 30 per employee
* number calculated by equivalent full time.
   Multiple use buildings shall be calculated by using 400 units once and then adding units for each use from the categories in the table above.
   In the case of any type not listed, the City Engineer shall determine the listed use above that best relates to the proposed use. The City Engineer shall then use the listed use to determine the Cost Recovery Fee. If the City Engineer can not still determine the charge then the Cost Recovery Fee shall be determined by the City Engineer through evaluating the average potable water use as quantified on a water meter over the most recent period of one year. One gallon per day of average use shall equal 1.25 units. If no information is available, or in the case of a new structure, the period will be the next 12 months of full use. The minimum shall be calculated using 400 units. On all uses, the City reserves the right to evaluate all connection fees after one year of full use, based on the formula of one gallon per day of average potable water use equals 1.25 units. If the water use as read on the water meter over this period converted to “units”, exceeds the number of “units” assigned on the connection permit by 25%, the Cost Recovery Fee shall be increased accordingly. If the average is less, no rebate will be issued.
   Any future buildings or additions constructed after obtaining the Cost Recovery Fee permit shall require an additional Cost Recovery Fee permit including payment of additional fees.
   Any significant change in use that would have resulted in higher Cost Recovery Fees shall require an updated Cost Recovery Fee permit including payment of Cost Recovery Fees. Credit will be issued for previous Cost Recovery Fees. No refunds will be issued for building deletions or changes of use.
   (c)   In order to be eligible for reimbursement, the developer or individual who extended the sewer line must file with the City Engineer a notarized statement which includes a map of the expected number of acres to be served by the sewer in the next 25 years and the final cost of the sewer extension within ninety days after the completion of the project and the City’s written acceptance of the sewer. The information contained in the notarized statement is subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
   (d)   Actual final cost of sewer extension shall include all items of material and labor for the sewer installation, including costs occasioned by opening of pavement, street surfacing and rock excavation together with allowances for engineering and general office expense pertaining to the purchase, storage, delivery and installation of all materials necessary for the extension.
   (e)   Failure to file the notarized statement of actual cost within the time required will result in the developer or individual being ineligible for reimbursement.
   (f)   In no case will the developer or individual responsible for the sewer extension be eligible to recover more than one hundred percent (100%) of the actual final cost of the extension.
(Ord. 04-86. Passed 1-17-05.)