   152.01   Scope
   152.02   Definitions
   152.03   Registration required
   152.04   Registration forms
   152.05   Certificate of compliance
   152.06   Inspections and fees
   152.99   Penalty
   Short-term rentals, see Chapter 115
§ 152.01  SCOPE.
   This chapter shall apply to any dwelling or part thereof which is occupied by persons pursuant to any oral or written rental or lease agreement or other valuable compensation. Such dwelling shall include, but is not limited to, single-family dwellings, multiple-family dwellings, rooming houses, boarding houses, and bed and breakfast facilities. This chapter also includes mobile home inspections as provided for in Public Act 215 of 2009, being M.C.L.A. § 125.2307.
(Ord. 198, passed 5-9-2012)
§ 152.02  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING OFFICIAL/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR.  The official who is charged with the administration and enforcement of this chapter or any duly authorized representative.
   CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A certificate issued by the Village Building Official/Zoning Administrator which certifies compliance with the provisions of the ordinances of the village for rental dwellings.
   DWELLING. Any structure, building or other facility promised and/or leased to a residential tenant or tenants for use as a home, residence or sleeping unit. This definition includes, but without limitation, one and two family DWELLINGS.
   OCCUPANT.  Includes all tenants, lessees and persons residing within a rental dwelling or rental unit.
   OWNER.  Any person, firm, corporation or any other legal entity having a legal or equitable interest in the premises.
   OWNER REPRESENTATIVE.  A person or representative of a corporation, partnership, firm, joint venture, trust, association, organization or other entity designated by the owner of the premises as responsible for operating such property in compliance with all the provisions of the village ordinances.
(Ord. 198, passed 5-9-2012)
   All rental dwelling units are required to be registered pursuant to this chapter and shall comply with the following:
   (A)   All existing rental property shall be registered within 90 days of the effective date of this chapter and every three years thereafter re-registration is required;
   (B)   All newly constructed rental dwelling units shall be registered prior to any use or occupancy as a rental dwelling unit and every three years thereafter re-registration is required;
   (C)   A change in ownership of a rental dwelling requires the new owner to register within 30 days of the ownership change. An existing certificate of compliance shall be transferred to the new owner and shall be valid until its expiration; and
   (D)   All existing non-rental dwelling units, which are converted to rental dwelling units, shall be registered prior to the date on which the property is first occupied for rental purposes and every three years thereafter shall be re-registered.
(Ord. 198, passed 5-9-2012)  Penalty, see § 152.99
   Applications for registration shall be made in such form as may be provided in accordance with such instructions by the Building Official/Zoning Administrator designated by the Village Manager and shall include the following information:
   (A)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner, no post office box will be accepted unless accompanied by a physical address;
   (B)   The rental property owner may appoint a representative. The owner representative’s name, address and phone number shall be included on the registration form including a physical address;
   (C)   Upon registration, the Building Official/Zoning Administrator shall inform applicants of the certificate of compliance requirements; and
   (D)   There shall be no registration fee.
(Ord. 198, passed 5-9-2012)