General Provisions
   151.01   Description of district
   151.02   Purpose of Authority
   151.03   Authority defined
   151.04   Termination of Authority
Governing Board
   151.15   Establishment of Governing Board
   151.16   Removal of Board member
   151.17   Board rules and meetings
   151.18   Employment of personnel by Board
   151.19   Duties of Board
Financing, Taxation and other Provisions Concerning the Authority
   151.30   Transfer of private property to Authority
   151.31   Financing of Authority
   151.32   Levying of ad valorem tax
   151.33   Borrowing money; issuing revenue bonds
   151.34   Tax increment financing plan
   151.35   Disposition of tax increment
   151.36   General obligation bonds
   151.37   Contents of development plan
   151.38   Public hearings on development plan
   151.39   Conditions for approval of development plan
   151.40   Relocation of persons
   151.41   Budget
   151.42   Historic sites
   A Downtown Development Authority is hereby created, pursuant to Public Act 197 of 1975, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.1651 through 125.1680, as amended, for the following described district, being in the village:
   A part of Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11, Township 8 South, Range 20 West, Three Oaks Township, also being a part of the Village of Three Oaks, Berrien County, Michigan described as: Beginning at a point on the center line of US Highway 12 and the North line of Section 10, 900.1 feet West of the North quarter post of Section 10; thence North T 40 feet East, 307 feet; thence North 29° 22' East 266.82 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line of the Amtrak Railroad; thence Easterly, along said right-of-way line 2031 feet; thence North 149.7 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of said right-of-way; thence Easterly, along said Northerly right-of-way line, 113.41 feet; thence North 00° 02' East 358.28 feet; thence South 89° 58' 19" East 397.71 feet; thence North 278.88 feet, thence South 89° 18' East 156.78 feet; thence North, 124 feet, more or less, to the North line of Chicago Street; thence East, along the North line of said Chicago Street, 194.3 feet, more or less, to the West line of Featherbone Avenue; thence North, along said West line, 140 feet; thence East 284 feet; thence South 50 feet; thence East 166 feet to the center line of Elm Street; thence continuing East 33 feet to the East line of said Elm Street; thence South, along said East line, 82 feet to the North line of Sycamore Street; thence East, along said North line 132 feet; thence South 330 feet to the North line of Maple Street; thence East, along said North line, 528 feet; thence South 227 feet; thence East 264 feet to the East line of Hickory Street; thence South, along said East line, 208 feet to the center line of the Amtrak Railroad; thence Westerly, along said center line 445.5 feet; thence south 446 feet to the South line of Linden Street; thence West, along said South line, 132 feet to the East line of Oak Street; thence South, along said East line, 330 feet to the South line of Ash Street; thence continuing South, along the East line of Oak Street, 198 feet; thence West 379.5 feet to the center line of Elm Street; thence continuing West 165 feet; thence South 49.5 feet; thence West 132 feet; thence North 247.5 feet to the South line of Ash Street; thence Northeast 66 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Friedle’s Addition; thence North, along said East line of said Friedle’s Addition, 330 feet to the South line of Linden Street; thence West, along said South line, 1003.5 feet to the East line of Memorial Drive; thence South, along said East line, 330 feet to the South line of Ash Street; thence West along said South line 18 feet; thence South 447.25 feet to the South line of Locust Street; thence West, along said South line 1013 feet; thence South 200 feet; thence West 297 feet to the North and South Quarter line of said Section 10; thence North, on the North and South Quarter line of said Section, to a point 419.24 feet, more or less, to the center line of US Highway 12 and the North line of Section 10; thence West, on the center line of US Highway 12 and the North line of Section 10, to the place of beginning.
(Ord. 187, passed 7-14-2010)
   The Downtown Development Authority is hereby created to halt property value deterioration and increase property tax valuation in the above district, to eliminate the causes of that deterioration and to promote economic growth.
(Ord. 187, passed 7-14-2010)
   The Authority shall be deemed an instrumentality of a political subdivision for purposes of Public Act 227 of 1972, being M.C.L.A. §§ 213.321 through 213.332.
(Ord. 187, passed 7-14-2010)
   An Authority which has completed the purposes for which it was organized shall be dissolved by ordinance of the Village Council. The property and assets of the Authority remaining after the satisfaction of the obligations of the Authority shall belong to the village.
(Ord. 187, passed 7-14-2010)