(A) The division of a lot, out lot or parcel of land in a recorded plat is prohibited, unless approved following application to the Building Inspector or some other village officer that may be designated to receive such applications from time to time by the Village Council. The application shall state the reason for the proposed division. No lot, out lot or parcel of land in a recorded plat shall be divided into more than four parts and the resulting lots shall not be less in area than permitted by any Village zoning ordinance, building ordinance, or Public Act 288 of 1967, M.C.L.A. § 560.186 as amended, being the Subdivision Control Act of 1967, whichever is the more restrictive. No building permit shall be issued, or any building construction commenced, unless the division has been approved by the Building Inspector or other designated village officer.
(B) The division of a lot, out lot or parcel of land in a recorded plat resulting in a smaller area than prescribed herein may be permitted after prior approval of the Building Inspector or other designated village officer, for the purposes of adding to existing building site or sites, or for any other use that does not or is not likely to contravene any existing zoning ordinances, building ordinance or state statutes and does not and would not result in crowding, congestion or contribute unduly to problems of public health, sanitation and general welfare. Any person whose application for the division of any lot in a recorded plat is denied, shall have the right to appeal to the Village Council or to any court of competent jurisdiction.
(C) The application for the division of any lot, out lot or parcel of land in a recorded plat shall be in affidavit form and shall contain a drawing showing the dimensions and the description of:
(1) The entire lot in question; and
(2) Each lot or part of a lot resulting from the proposed division.
(D) The approval by the Building Inspector or other designated village officer of the division of any lot, out lot or parcel of land in any recorded plat shall be contingent on an agreement in writing by the applicant that any sales contract, deed or other documents presented for recording at the office of the County Register of Deeds, shall be accompanied by a copy of the written approval thereof by the village or its duly authorized representatives.
(Ord. 46, passed 10-2-1969) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) No person or persons, firm, corporation or partnership or combination of same, shall operate, maintain or permit to be operated or maintained on their land or on land under their control, any trailer camp within the corporate limits of the village.
(B) For the purposes of this section a TRAILER CAMP is hereby defined to be a group of two or more automobile trailers located within 100 feet of each other.
(Ord. 10, passed 4-3-1947) Penalty, see § 150.99