At the time of the granting of any franchise hereunder, the Village Council shall approve and include therein all rates and charges allowable to the grantee, including, but not limited to, all such rates and charges for installation of equipment, service charges for all classifications of service including additional connections at one location and any other rates and charges of the grantee to subscribers. No such rates or charges shall be changed at any time after the granting of a franchise, except by authority of the Village Council, and upon written request by the grantee, provided, that prior to authorizing the change of any rates or charges of the grantee to subscribers, at any time after the granting of such franchise, the Village Council shall first pass its resolution of intention to do so, describing and stating any rates or charges to be changed, the reasons of the Village Council therefor, fixing a day, hour and place certain when and where any persons having an interest therein may appear before the Village Council and be heard and directing the Village Clerk to publish notice of such hearing at least once. The Village Clerk shall cause such notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the village, and the same shall be published and a copy thereof shall be mailed to any grantee hereunder at least ten days prior to the date specified for hearing thereon. At the time set for such hearing, or at any adjournment thereof, the Village Council shall proceed to hear and pass on all presentations made before it, and the decision of the Village Council thereon shall be final and conclusive. If the Village Council shall find that a change of rates or charges is justified by a change in cost of operation, the Village Council shall approve the change in rates.
(Ord. 77, passed 8-6-1981)