§ 111.99  PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, in addition to the other provisions of this chapter, is responsible for a municipal civil infraction, subject to payment of a civil fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500, plus costs and other sanctions, for each infraction.
   (B)   Repeat offenses shall be subject to an increased civil fine as follows:
      (1)   The fine for any offense which is a first repeat offense shall be not less than $250, plus costs and other sanctions; and
      (2)   The fine for any offense which is a second repeat offense or any subsequent repeat offense shall not be less than $500, plus costs and other sanctions.
   (C)   A REPEAT OFFENSE means a second (or any subsequent) violation of this chapter committed by a person within any six-month period and for which the person admits responsibility or is determined to be responsible.
   (D)   Each day on which any violation of this chapter continues constitutes a separate offense and shall be subject to penalties or sanctions as a separate offense.
(Ord. 126, passed 5-14-1997)