Park and Recreation Board
93.01 Creation of Board
93.02 Organization
93.03 Funding
93.04 Receipts, donations, disposition
93.05 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Use of Public Parks
93.20 Public sale of alcohol in village parks at certain times authorized; permit required; standards
93.21 Park closing hours
93.99 Penalty
There is hereby created a Park and Recreation Board consisting of seven members appointed by the Village President with the consent of the Village Council. The term of each appointed member shall be for three years or until his or her successor takes office, except that the respective terms of two of the members first appointed shall be for one and two of the members for two years. One of the Board members must be a member of the Village Council and of the Council’s Park Committee and such member’s term shall not exceed such member’s term of office as a member of the Village Council. All members shall serve at the pleasure of the President and Council and may be removed by the President with consent of the Council. The President may appoint one member of the Board who is not a village resident but a resident of Three Oaks Township.
(Ord. 189, passed 10-13-2010; Ord. 205, passed 7-8-2015; Ord. 207, passed 11-11-2015)
The Park and Recreation Board shall elect one of its members Chairperson and one as Secretary. An associate member may not be elected as either Chairperson or Secretary. The Board shall keep a correct and accurate record of its proceedings and shall meet at such times as it may determine.
(Ord. 189, passed 10-13-2010)
The Park and Recreation Board shall prepare annual operating budgets and shall review its budgets with the Village Council. The budget shall be submitted to the Village Council by the Village Council’s Park and Recreation Board representative. All budgets shall be subject to review and revision by the Village Council upon consultation with the Park and Recreation Board.
(Ord. 189, passed 10-13-2010)
All receipts on account of the village parks, whether arising from rentals, donations, sale of any part thereof or of any lands so willed and devised by any person to said village, shall be exclusively expended and applied under the direction and control of the Village Council.
(Ord. 189, passed 10-13-2010)