   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain any blighted structure, dwelling, garage, outbuilding, factory, shop, store or warehouse. Vacant but still usable buildings and structures must be kept securely locked, the windows kept glazed or neatly boarded up and otherwise protected to prevent entrance thereto by unauthorized persons.
(Ord. 39, passed 4-14-1966)  Penalty, see § 91.99
   It shall be unlawful to permit any unfinished structure, dwelling, garage, outbuilding, factory, shop, store, warehouse or other building to stand unfinished in the village wherever such use shall constitute a menace to public health and safety or contribute to the blight of a neighborhood. This section shall be applicable wherever construction was begun in an authorized manner and no work in good faith has been done for a continuous period of six months toward completing the structure or building, or wherever a building or structure has been moved upon the premises and is permitted to stand unfinished for a continuous period of six months or longer. Whenever the strict enforcement of this section would work an unnecessary hardship, the Village Council may grant such extension of time for the completion of the building or structure as may be deemed just under all the facts and circumstances so long as good faith is demonstrated by the appellant and the spirit of this subchapter is preserved.
(Ord. 39, passed 4-14-1966)  Penalty, see § 91.99
   After written notice is given by the Village Clerk to the owner of record of any property within the village that a violation exists under § 91.23 or § 91.24 of this subchapter such owner shall within 30 days begin completion of construction or repairs or raze the blighted structure and clear and clean up the site, and promptly proceed to the final abatement of such use within a reasonable time.
(Ord. 39, passed 4-14-1966)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to store or permit the storage or accumulation of building materials on any private property, except in a completely enclosed building or except where such building materials are part of the stock in trade or a business located on said property, or except when such materials are being used in the current construction of a structure on the property, and unless such construction is completed within a reasonable time.
(Ord. 39, passed 4-14-1966)  Penalty, see § 91.99
   The Chief of Police on his or her own authority may remove or cause to be removed any junk vehicle or abandoned vehicle, or parts of either, from any public street without notice of any kind to the owner. In those cases where junk vehicles or abandoned vehicles, or parts of either, are stored on any unenclosed private property, the Village Council may authorize the Chief of Police to serve notice, in writing, on the owner or occupant of such property or the owner of the vehicle, if known, of the village’s intention to remove such vehicle. Such notice shall be served personally upon the owner or occupant or it may be posted in a conspicuous place upon vacant or unoccupied property and shall be served or posted at least seven days prior to such removal. Failure to remove any junk vehicle or abandoned vehicle, or parts of either, within the time specified in such notice shall constitute a violation of this subchapter. Such junk vehicles or abandoned vehicles, or parts of either, shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with the law. Such removal by the designated enforcement official shall not excuse or relieve any person of the obligation imposed by this subchapter to keep his or her property free from storage or accumulation of junk vehicles or abandoned vehicles, or parts of either, nor from the penalties for violation thereof.
(Ord. 39, passed 4-14-1966)  Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.40  DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the phrase BULK STORAGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS is defined as the storing of petroleum products in any single tank or container, the capacity of which exceeds 275 gallons.
(Ord. 1, passed 3-6-1947)
   The location, construction, installation and maintenance of facilities for the bulk storage of petroleum products within the village without the approval of the Village Council as herein provided is hereby expressly prohibited and is hereby declared to be a nuisance per se.
(Ord. 1, passed 3-6-1947)  Penalty, see § 91.99
   Before locating, constructing and/or installing facilities for the bulk storage of petroleum products and/or extensions and additions thereto within the village, any person, firm or corporation desiring to do so shall first make written application for approval of the contemplated location, manner of construction, manner of installation and maintenance thereof to the Village Council. Such application shall be filed with the Village Clerk and such application shall contain a description of the contemplated location, manner of construction, installation and maintenance thereof and in addition thereto shall contain information concerning the distance between the contemplated location and adjacent buildings. Said application shall be executed by the person, firm or corporation intending to locate, construct, install and/or maintain facilities for the bulk storage of petroleum products and/or extensions and additions thereto, within the village, or by his or her or its duly authorized agent and said application shall then be filed with the Village Clerk.
(Ord. 1, passed 3-6-1947)  Penalty, see § 91.99