71.01 Definitions
71.02 Rules and regulations
71.03 Enforcement of and obedience to traffic regulations
71.04 Restrictions as to speed
71.05 Turning at intersection
71.06 Driving on right side
71.07 Overtaking and passing vehicles
71.08 Limitation on overtaking and passing
71.09 Following too closely
71.10 Right-of-way
71.11 Reckless driving
71.12 Driving while intoxicated
71.13 Vehicle left unattended
71.14 View or control of driver
71.15 Projecting articles
71.16 Signals on starting, stopping or turning
71.17 Equipment and license
71.18 Parades, processions and funerals
71.19 Removal of disabled vehicles
71.20 Restrictions on backing
71.21 Noise and smoke
71.22 Accidents
71.23 Vehicles passing school buses
71.24 Mandatory child restraints and safety belts
71.25 Weight restriction on Hickory Street viaduct
71.26 General weight limit on village streets
71.99 Penalty
Words used in this Title VII shall have their usual and customary meaning; provided, however, that all words defined in the Michigan Vehicle Code (Public Act 300 of 1949, being M.C.L.A. §§ 257.1 through 257.923, as amended) and used in this title shall have the meaning given in the Michigan Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 21, passed - -1952)
(A) The Village President is hereby empowered, within the limits prescribed by statute and this title, to direct and control traffic and to make rules and regulations.
(B) The Village President is empowered, subject to approval of the Village Council by resolution, to designate through or stop streets, to designate the location of traffic-control signals, to prescribe the manner and duration of parking vehicles, to establish loading zones for buses, trucks, taxicabs and dray stands, to designate the maximum length of any vehicle permitted to park upon any streets.
(C) The Village President is empowered to create quiet and safety zones; to designate streets or portions thereof to be closed to traffic by reason of construction or repair; and to designate streets for recreational use and their hours of use.
(Ord. 21, passed - -1952)