(a) Infractions. Any person believed to be in violation of any provision of this chapter may be charged or cited with an infraction.
(b) Misdemeanor. Any person who negligently or knowingly violates any provision of this chapter, undertakes to conceal any violation of this chapter, continues any violation of this chapter beyond the date set for compliance after delivery of notice thereof; or has previously violated the same provision of this chapter, or repeatedly violated the terms, conditions and requirements of any approved best management practices manual, storm water pollution prevention plan, stormwater pollution control plan, stormwater quality master plan or discharge permit, may be charged with criminal misdemeanor for such violation.
(c) Separate offenses. Each pollution source found to be in violation of this chapter is a separate offense and separate violation. Each day a violation continues unabated as ordered by the director is a separate offense and separate violation.
(§ 1, Ord. 1343-NS, eff. October 14, 1999)