Scenic highways, as defined and adopted in the Scenic Highways Element of the General Plan, shall have landscaped medians and parkways that are planned for the full length of the right-of-way to achieve a continuous and/or compatible landscape design theme. Where highways are wholly or partially landscaped, attempts shall be made to continue the dominant landscape theme along any future extensions of the route.
(a) Where new development occurs adjacent to “existing highways,” as defined in the Scenic Highways Element, right-of-way landscaping and improvements shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this article relating to medians, landscaping, and trees in parkways. In addition, particular attention shall be given to the location and design of future highway-adjacent structures, including walls and fences, for their enhancement of scenic or aesthetic qualities of the route.
(b) Where “future routes” and “extension of existing routes,” as defined in the Scenic Highways Element are constructed, at minimum, there shall be compliance with the requirements specified in this article relating to medians, landscaping, and trees in parkways. The development of future routes shall also be subject to the following requirements:
(1) A general alignment and grade shall be established to fit the scenic character of the area to be traversed. Such alignment and grade shall also include an emphasis upon fitting the roadway to the natural topography.
(2) The dedication of scenic easements adjacent to street rights-of-way may be required by the Planning Commission.
(3) Highway-adjacent structures, including subdivision walls, shall be designed and located in such a manner as to enhance the scenic or aesthetic qualities of the route.
(c) Scenic highways shall also be further distinguished by the use of unique street appurtenances, including distinctive street lighting, street signs, and scenic highway identification signs. Variations in the textural finish or roadway surfaces at selected pedestrian crosswalks and street intersections shall be within the Thousand Oaks Core Area whenever possible.
(§ I, Ord. 549-NS, eff. November 13, 1975)