Sec. 1-8.110. Minutes.
   (a)   The City Clerk shall prepare the minutes and any directions for changes in the minutes shall be only by majority Council action and shall conform to fact.
   (b)   The minutes should be a clear and concise statement of the Council actions, motions made and the vote thereon.
   (c)   Whenever the Council acts as a quasi- judicial proceeding, such as a development permit matter, a summary of the witnesses' testimony shall be completed and included.
   (d)   The minutes may be approved under the consent calendar without reading if each Councilmember has received a copy.
   (e)   Official records and approved minutes may not be physically altered and/or items may not be "expunged." Altering or defacing approved minutes is a felony in violation of Government Code §§ 6200 and 6201.
(§ 1, Ord. 868-NS, eff. September 18, 1984, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1711-NS, eff. 5-5-2023)