All Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organics Materials Collection Containers serving Commercial, Mixed-Use Dwelling, and Multi-Family (MFD-C) locations that utilize a centralized collection service are provided by the Exclusive Franchise Contractor, and must be screened and stored in a Waste Enclosure at all times except when serviced by the Contractor. Waste Enclosures must be consistent with the City's Waste Enclosure Design Guidelines and comply with the following requirements:
(a) The Waste Enclosure design and finish must be architecturally similar to the building it serves and its location approved by the City. Outdoor Waste Enclosures shall be covered with a roof and the style and composition of the roof shall be determined by the City.
(b) The design of the enclosure must be large enough to accommodate Collection Containers for source-separated Solid Waste, Organic Waste, and Recyclable Materials. The minimum interior dimensions of the three-bin enclosure shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet deep, 20 feet wide when viewed from the front, and nine (9) feet high at the lowest point inside the structure.
(c) Gates providing access and egress for employees shall be equipped with self-closing hinges.
(d) Two (or more) "Recycle" signs and two (or more) "Compostables" signs shall be purchased from the City of Thousand Oaks Public Works Department at a cost stipulated in the current City User Fees Manual, and shall be posted in conspicuous places on the enclosure (as per Ordinance No 1677-NS). At least one "Recycle" sign and one "Compostables" sign shall be posted on the access/egress gates at or above waist level, and one "Recycle" sign and one "Compostables" sign shall be posted on the back wall at or slightly below "eye level."
(e) Compactor units that are self-contained and watertight are not required to be placed inside Waste Enclosures provided that the surrounding area is kept clear of litter and debris.
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)