Sec. 5-29.14. Effect of federal enforcement to suspend, prohibit, revoke, terminate California or local entity licensing laws for recreational or commercial cannabis.
   Federal government action suspending, prohibiting, revoking or otherwise terminating State of California's or City's laws permitting recreational or medicinal marijuana licensing as currently permitted under MAUCRSA shall immediately result in the complete ban of all commercial licenses permitted under this chapter. Such Federal government action shall also result in the immediate ban of all personal or recreational use permitted under MAUCRSA or any other State law permitting the use or possession of cannabis permitted under this chapter or any other Title of the City's municipal code and make null and void any City permits to a commercial Cannabis Retailer or Testing Facility previously issued under this chapter.
(§ 2, Ord. 1636-NS, eff. December 29, 2017, as amended by § 7, Ord. 1703-NS, eff. August 5, 2022)