Sec. 8-1.24. Amendments: Appendix J - Grading.
   The California Building Code, 2022 Edition, Appendix J is hereby amended as follows:
   Section J101.1 “Scope” is amended to read as follows:
   The provisions of this chapter apply to grading, excavation and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments. Where conflicts occur between the City’s Municipal Code, the Geotechnical Report, and the technical requirements of this Chapter, the governing order of precedence shall be as follows: the City’s Municipal Code followed by the Geotechnical Report and then the technical requirements of this Chapter.
   Section J101 “General” is amended by adding a new subsection J101.3 to read as follows:
   J101.3 Additional Provisions.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Title 7, Chapter 3.
   Section J103.1 “Permits Required” is amended to read as follows:
   J103.1 Permits required. Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code, Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 7.3.07 and Section 7-3.08 for permit requirements.
   Section J103.2 “Exemptions” is hereby deleted.
   Section J104 “Permit Application and Submittals” is amended by deleting subsections J104.1, J104.2, and J104.3
   Section J104.5 “Additional provisions” is hereby added and is to read as follows:
   J104.5 Additional Provisions.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Title 7, Chapter 3.
   Section J105.1 “General” is amended to read as follows:
   J105.1 General.
   Inspections shall be governed by Section 110, Chapter 1, Division II of this code. Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Title 7, Chapter 3.
   Section J106.1 “Maximum Slope” is amended to read as follows:
   J106.1 Maximum slope.
   The slope of cut surface shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use and shall be no steeper than two units horizontal to one unit vertical [fifty (50%) percent slope] unless the owner or authorized agent furnishes a geotechnical report justifying a steeper slope in accordance with the exceptions listed in the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Section 7-3.19 for slope requirements.
   1.   A cut surface shall be permitted to be at a slope of 1.5 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical (67-percent slope) provided that all of the following are met:
   1.1.   It is not intended to support structures or surcharges.
   1.2.   It is adequately protected against erosion.
   1.3.   It is not more than 8 feet (2438 mm) in height.
   1.4.   It is approved by the City Engineer.
   1.5.   Ground water is not encountered.
   2.   A cut surface in bedrock shall be permitted to be at a slope of 1 unit horizontal to 1 unit vertical (100-percent slope).
   Section J106 is amended by adding a new subsection J106.2 to read as follows:
   J106.2 Additional Provisions.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Section 7-3.19(b) for additional cut slope requirements.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Section 7-3.19(c) for unstable material requirements.
   Section J107.1 “General” is amended to read as follows:
   J107.1 General.
   Unless otherwise recommended in the geotechnical report, fills shall comply with the provisions of this section and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Section 7-3.20 for Fill Requirements.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Section 7-3.22 for Buttress Fills.
   Section J108.3 “Slope Protection” is to read as follows:
   J108.3 Slope Protection.
   Where required to protect adjacent properties at the toe of a slope from adverse effects of the grading, additional protection, approved by the City Engineer, shall be included. Examples of such protection include but are not be limited to:
   1.   Setbacks greater than those required by Figure J108.1.
   2.   Provisions for retaining walls or similar construction.
   3.   Erosion protection of the fill slopes.
   4.   Provision for the control of surface waters.
   Section 109.3 “Interceptor Drain” is amended to read as follows:
   J109.3 Interceptor Drains.
   Interceptor drains shall be installed along the top of cut slopes receiving drainage from a tributary width greater than 40 feet (12 192 mm), measured horizontally. They shall have a minimum depth of 1 foot (305 mm) and a minimum width of 3 feet (915 mm). The slope shall be approved by the City Engineer, but shall be not less than one unit vertical in 50 units horizontal (2-percent slope). The drain shall be paved with concrete not less than 3 inches (76 mm) in thickness, or by other materials suitable to the application. Discharge from the drain shall be accomplished in a manner to prevent erosion and shall be approved by the City Engineer.
   Section J110 “Erosion Control” is amended by adding a new subsection J110.3 to read as follows:
   J110.3 Additional Provisions.
   Grading related work shall comply with the requirements of this code and the requirements of Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Title 7, Chapter 3.
(§ 2, Ord. 1707-NS, eff. January 1, 2023)