Section 10.20.185 of Title 10 of the Los Angeles County Code concerning animals, as adopted by Sec. 6-1.100, is hereby amended to read as follows:
10.20.185 Microchipping of dogs.
An owner or custodian of a dog four (4) months of age or older obtaining a license renewal may have the dog implanted with an identifying microchip. An owner or custodian of a dog four (4) months of age or older not previously having a license within the City is required to have the dog implanted with an identifying microchip in conjunction with obtaining a new dog license. The owner or custodian is required to provide the microchip number to the Department and to notify the Department and the applicable national microchip registry of a change of ownership of the dog or cat, or the owner’s change of address or telephone number.
(Part 3, Ord. 1579-NS, eff. August 17, 2012, as amended by part 5, Ord. 1658-NS, eff. January 18, 2019)
* Section 6-1.109 entitled “Impounding animals,” recodified from Sections 4435 and 3364 T.O.O.C., repealed by Part 3, Ordinance No. 1579-NS, effective August 17, 2012.