Sec. 3-17.07. Information required to be submitted by exhibitors to operators.
   (a)   Every person who desires to exhibit identifiable, tangible personal property at a swap meet shall, before he is permitted to exhibit such property, furnish to the operator or organizer, or his duly authorized agent, a written notice containing all of the following information:
   (1)   The name and current address and telephone number of the person who desires to exhibit identifiable, tangible personal property at a swap meet;
   (2)   An accurate description, including any identifying manufacturer’s or license number, of every item of identifiable personal property which such person will exhibit at the swap meet; and
   (3)   The name and current address of the owner of every item of identifiable, tangible, personal property which such person will exhibit at the swap meet.
   (b)   Every person who sells or exchanges any identifiable, tangible personal property at a swap meet shall furnish to the owner or operator of the swap meet, or a person designated in advance by such owner or operator to receive such information, a written notice containing all of the following information with respect to each such sale or exchange:
   (1)   An accurate description, including any identifying manufacturer’s or license number, of the identifiable, tangible personal property; and
   (2)   The name and current address of the person owning the identifiable, tangible personal property; and
   (3)   The name and current address of the person selling or exchanging the identifiable, tangible personal property.
(§ 1, Ord. 341-NS, eff. November 30, 1972)