Sec. 3-17.04. Restrictions on issuance of business tax certificates: Conditions, among others, that may be imposed.
   No permit or business tax certificate shall be issued unless and until:
   (a)   The applicant produces satisfactory evidence to the Finance Department of the City that a State Board of Equalization resale number has been obtained so as to assure the City that all sales occurring at such swap meet will be subject to sales tax and the collection thereof assured;
   (b)   The applicant shall produce satisfactory evidence that adequate off-street vehicle parking to accommodate the vehicles of all persons in attendance at the swap meet has been provided as required by the Public Works Department and the Community Development Department;
   (c)   The days and hours each day when the swap meet may be conducted have been fixed and determined by the Council;
   (d)   Adequate permanent rest room facilities approved by the Building Official are provided; and
   (e)   An adequate number of police or security officers, all at the expense of the swap meet operator, are on duty at all times while such swap meet is in operation to keep the peace and to investigate and check on merchandise which is being display and is for sale, barter, or exchange. The number of such police or security officers and the hours of duty shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
(§ 1, Ord. 341-NS, eff. November 30, 1972)