Sec. 3-17.02. Business tax certificates required: Applications: Conditions.
   (a)   No person or entity shall establish, organize, or conduct a swap meet in the City without first obtaining from the Director of Finance a business tax certificate and from the Council a permit to do so.
   (b)   Applications for such permits shall be in writing upon such forms as may be prescribed by the Director of Finance and shall be accompanied by the business tax certificate fee provided for in Section 3-1.32 of Chapter 1 of this title.
   (c)   After the filing of the application for the permit, the facts therein stated shall be investigated and presented to the Council. The Council, after considering such application and such investigations and reports thereon, may, on the basis of such facts and a finding in regard to the public health, safety, and welfare, grant or deny such application for a permit. If the Council determines that such permit shall be granted, the Council shall grant the permit upon the condition that all of the terms and provisions of this chapter are complied with, that the business tax certificate fee has been paid, and upon such other conditions as the Council may fix and impose to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Any permit, including its accompanying business tax certificate, granted by the Council as provided in this chapter shall be subject to suspension and/or revocation by the same procedure and standards set forth in Section 3-1.18.1 of Chapter 1 of this title.
(§ 1, Ord. 341-NS, eff. November 30, 1972)