(a) Any person or entity that violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable as provided in Section 1-2.03 of this Municipal Code.
(b) It has been determined that trees subject to this chapter are a valuable asset to the citizens of Thousand Oaks and as a result of the loss or damage to any of these trees, the public should be recompensed. In addition to any penalties provided by subsection (a), any person or entity who damages a tree planted subject to this chapter by pruning methods prohibited by this chapter is responsible for monetary restitution to the City equal to the estimated value of damage to the tree(s), and may also be required to replace a tree damaged if it is no longer viable or could potentially become a hazard, as determined by the City's Arborist. Damage valuation shall be determined by the City's Arborist. Tree damage appraisals shall be conducted by the City's Arborist utilizing the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 9th Edition (Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers) or latest edition.
(§ 2, Ord. 1529-NS, eff. December 18, 2009)