(a) Regulatory actions. If wastewater containing excess concentrations of a regulated substance is discharged or proposed to be discharged to the City's wastewater system, the Public Works Director may:
(1) Prohibit the discharge;
(2) Require the discharger to demonstrate that on-site modifications would reduce or eliminate the discharge to conform with applicable discharge standards;
(3) Require on-site pretreatment to reduce, eliminate or alter the nature of pollutants to comply with this article;
(4) Implement any other remedial action deemed necessary in achieving the purpose and requirements of this section.
(b) Pretreatment facilities and operation. An industrial wastewater pretreatment system or device may be required by the Public Works Director to treat industrial flows prior to discharge to the public wastewater system. Pretreatment may be necessary to restrict or prevent the discharge of certain waste constituents, to distribute peak discharges of industrial wastewaters more equally over a longer time period or to accomplish any pretreatment result required by this Title. Pretreatment may also require a gravity separation interceptor, equalizing tank, neutralization chamber, as well as other means of mitigation as determined necessary by the Public Works Director. Such pretreatment facilities shall be maintained in good working order and installed, maintained and operated at the expense of the discharger, subject to the requirements of this Title and all other applicable codes and laws.
(1) Where pretreatment is required, plans, specifications, and other pertinent data or information relating to such pretreatment shall first be submitted by a professional engineer registered with the State of California to the Public Works Director for approval. Such approval shall not exempt the discharger or said facilities from compliance with any applicable rule or ordinance of any governmental authority. Any alterations or additions to such pretreatment facilities shall not be made without written notice to the Public Works Director for prior review and approval.
(2) All applicable federal pretreatment standards which specify quantities or concentrations of pollutants discharged by a specific industrial subcategory will be enforced by the City as required by the federal Clean Water Act. Compliance by existing industrial users with categorical pretreatment standards shall be achieved within three (3) years of the date the standard is promulgated unless a shorter time is specified by the Environmental Protection Agency or other governmental agency.
(c) Notification by industrial users of changed discharge. All industrial users shall notify the Public Works Director in advance of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge.
(d) Protection from accidental discharge. Each industrial user shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other regulated wastes. Each floor drain or floor sink located in an area where regulated chemicals are stored or used shall be protected in a manner approved by the Public Works Director to prevent uncontrolled or accidental discharges of these regulated constituents from directly entering the wastewater system. Facilities to prevent accidental discharge shall be provided and maintained at the owner's and/or operator's expense. Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for review and approval prior to construction of said facilities. Such review and approval of plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the industrial user from the responsibility of modifying said facilities, as necessary to meet the other requirements of this article.
Any person that causes or discovers a discharge of hazardous waste or an uncontrolled or accidental discharge or slug load of regulated waste into a wastewater line shall immediately notify the Public Works Department by telephone in order that corrective action may be taken to protect the wastewater system. In addition, the person responsible for the discharge shall file a written report to the Public Works Department detailing the date, time and cause of the accidental discharge, the quantity and characteristics of the discharge and corrective action taken to prevent future discharges. The report shall be filed within five (5) days of the discharge occurrence.
(e) Septic tank and cesspool cleaning. No person shall discharge the cleanings from septic tanks or cesspools to the wastewater system.
(f) Interceptors/traps for sand, grease and oil.
(1) Restaurants. A restaurant or other establishment discharging a wastewater containing grease shall install and regularly maintain an interceptor to prevent excessive discharges of grease into the waste-water system. The type and size shall be as regulated by the building provisions of the Municipal Code or as required by the Public Works Director.
(2) Vehicle service stations or garages. Service stations or garages with non-domestic fixtures or drains (i.e. mop sinks, floor drains) connected to the wastewater system shall be required to install and regularly maintain an interceptor designed to prevent the discharge of sand, silt, grease and oil to the wastewater system. The type and size shall be as regulated by the building provisions of the Municipal Code or as required by the Public Works Director.
(3) Approved designs. The Public Works Director may maintain an information file, available for public use, of acceptable designs of sand, grease and oil interceptors. The provision of such information relative to design or size requirements shall not impute any liability to the City for the adequacy of the interceptor under the actual conditions of use. The owner or proprietor shall meet all discharge limitations as set forth by Council action including alteration of the interceptor as required.
(4) Maintenance of interceptors/traps. Any required sand and/or grease interceptor or trap shall be readily accessible for inspection and properly maintained by the property owner and/or occupant to assure that the accumulations of sand, grease and oil do not impair the efficiency of the interceptor or exit the interceptor in concentrations exceeding discharge limitations. All required interceptors/traps shall have a record of every time the interceptor is cleaned. This record shall include the date and name of the pumper or person who cleaned it and the signature of the person in responsible charge and shall be reviewed by the Public Works Department during each inspection. Persons hauling liquid wastes removed from these interceptors or traps shall be registered to do so by the State of California. An interceptor shall not be considered properly maintained if sand and/or grease accumulations total more than twenty-five (25%) percent of the operating fluid capacity. If it is found that an interceptor or trap is improperly maintained or adequate records are not being kept, a warning will be issued to the owner and/or user of the property. If on subsequent inspections, it is found that one of the above conditions continues to exist, a fine to be set by Council action will be levied against the owner and/or user of the property.
(5) Existing interceptors/traps. An interceptor legally and properly installed at a vehicle service station, car wash establishment or restaurant shall be acceptable provided such interceptor is capable of removing sand, grease and oil so that the discharge from the interceptor does not exceed the limitations as set forth by Council action and is installed such that it can be inspected and properly maintained.
(6) Limitations on the use of garbage grinders. On all new permits issued, the waste from garbage grinders shall not be discharged into the City's wastewater system except when generated in preparation of food in a residence.
If an interceptor is incapable of retaining adequately the sand and oil in the wastewater flow from a service station or a car wash establishment, or grease emissions from a restaurant, the owner shall receive a written notice requiring that an adequate interceptor be installed within sixty (60) days.
(Ord. 1515-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)