Sec. 10-1.501. General prohibitions on wastewater discharges.
   No person shall discharge or deposit, or allow to be discharged or deposited into any opening leading to the wastewater system, any wastewater lateral, main or other, which contains the following:
   (a)   Oils and grease. Total fat, wax, grease or oil concentrations (whether emulsified or not) subject to the discharge limits set forth by Council Action.
   (b)   Explosive mixtures. Liquids, solids or gases which either alone or by interaction with other substances may cause fire or explosion or may in any way be injurious to the wastewater facilities or to the operation of the system. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, wastestreams with a closed cup flash point of less than one hundred forty (140°) degrees Fahrenheit or sixty (60°) degrees Centigrade.
   (c)   Noxious material. Noxious or malodorous solids, liquids, gases, vapors or fumes which either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life, or an acute or chronic worker health and safety problem, or may prevent entry into the public wastewater system for maintenance or repair.
   (d)   Improperly shredded organic garbage. Organic garbage that has not been ground or comminuted to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely in suspension under flow conditions normally prevailing in the public wastewater lines, with no particle greater than one-quarter (1/4") inch in mean diameter.
   (e)   Radioactive waste. Radioactive wastes or isotopes not complying with applicable regulations of governmental bodies.
   (f)   Solid or viscous wastes. Solid or viscous wastes which may cause obstruction to the flow or interfere with the operation of the public wastewater system. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, uncomminuted garbage, offal, earth, sand, rocks, plaster, concrete, rags, plastics, metal filings and metal objects.
   (g)   Chemical toilets. Any discharge from a chemical toilet excepting privately owned recreational vehicles which use nontoxic chemical agents.
   (h)   Excessive discharge rate. Quantities of pollutants or rates of flow which overload the City's wastewater system, cause excessive City collection or treatment costs, use a disproportionate share of the City's facilities, inhibit or disrupt wastewater treatment operations, or cause or contribute to a violation of any requirement of the City's HCTP-NPDES Permit. Any discharges of flow which exceed the normal operating discharge pattern in either flow quantity or concentration of pollutants in the discharge shall be prohibited, unless such discharge receives prior approval in writing from the Public Works Director.
   (i)   Toxic substances. Quantities of toxic substances identified and regulated pursuant to the Clean Water Act discharged in concentrations in excess of applicable pretreatment standards or the City's pollutant discharge limits, whichever is more stringent. Wastes prohibited include those that alone or in combination with other waste substances, may create a hazard for humans, animals or the local environment; interfere with or disrupt wastewater treatment processes, operations or sludge use or disposal; cause or contribute to any violation of the City's HCTP-NPDES Permit; or cause a public nuisance or cause any hazardous condition to occur in the wastewater system.
   (j)   Unpolluted water. Any unpolluted water including, but not limited to, rainwater, street or yard drainage, roof drainage, swimming pool drainage, groundwater or subsurface drainage or any other uncontaminated water sufficiently pure so that it can be discharged into available natural water courses or storm drains, except as approved by the Public Works Director.
   (k)   Colored material. Any waste which causes discoloration of treatment plant effluent.
   (l)   Corrosive wastes. Any wastes which will generate abnormal sulfide levels, cause corrosion, or deterioration in the wastewater system or injure City personnel.
   (m)   Dilution water. Any water added for the purpose of diluting wastes which would otherwise exceed applicable constituent concentration limitations.
   (n)   Saline wastes.
   (1)   Regenerating wastes from an ion exchange water treating device. A self-regenerating ion exchange treating device shall not be installed, enlarged, used or regenerated in the City or on any property connected to the wastewater system of the City unless such a device is located on a property for which a permit has been obtained from the Public Works Director prior to October 10, 1969 or for which an industrial waste discharge permit has been obtained and complied with as provided in this title. It shall be a misdemeanor for anyone to offer home-regenerated softeners for use in the City's wastewater service area, or to solicit an owner or occupant of a property in the City wastewater service area to purchase such a unit, or to install a softener with provisions for on-site regeneration except where the purchaser holds a valid permit from the City for such installation.
   (2)   Discharges from saltwater chlorine generating swimming pools that contain pollutants in excess of the City's HCTP-NPDES Permit as specified in the uncodified ordinance setting fees and discharge limits for City wastewater.
   (o)   Trucked or hauled waste. Any trucked or hauled waste, except as approved by the Public Works Director.
   (p)   Heat. Heat in amounts that will cause the temperature of the wastewater at the treatment plant to exceed forty (40°) degrees C (one hundred four (104°) degrees F), or interferes with the operation of the treatment plant or the collection system.
   (q)   Others. Any wastes which may impair the collection system or treatment process, including materials such as enzymes, bacterial agents or toxic root control products. As specified in Section 10-1.602(s), no User shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the POTW any pollutant or wastewater which causes Pass Through or Interference.
   The discharge or deposit of any of the above listed substances shall be a violation of this Code and punishable pursuant to Chapter 2, Title 1 of this Code.
   Where any of the above pollutants, as noted in sub-paragraphs above, contributed by users cause or significantly contribute to a recurring violation of the City's wastewater discharge permit for its treatment facilities, the City will ensure renewed compliance with its permit by (1) imposing specific effluent limits on any users as appropriate; (2) making modifications to the treatment plant's facilities or operation, or (3) a combination of the above.
(Ord. 1515-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-1.502. City responsibility for maintenance and operation.
   (a)   The maintenance and operation of the public wastewater system including pipelines and treatment facilities shall be the sole responsibility of the City or its agents unless the maintenance and/or repair requirements are due to unauthorized discharge of wastewater or discharges not meeting the requirements as set forth in this Title, then the costs for such maintenance/repair shall be the responsibility of the property owner from which the discharge was made or originated or was introduced into the system.
   (b)   Only City personnel and its agents shall be allowed to open manhole lids or otherwise enter any portion of the public wastewater system unless approval is granted by the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 1515-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-1.503. Customer responsibilities.
   Building laterals and service laterals shall be maintained by, and are the sole responsibility of, the property owner. If there is a failure or a stoppage in either the building lateral or the service lateral, the property owner shall correct the problem.
(Ord. 1515-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-1.504. Information supplied by Public Works Department.
   The Public Works Department may furnish information intended to assist a customer in locating their service lateral; such information will be based upon best available records. The accuracy of this information is not warranted by the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 1515-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)