Sec. 3-10.204. Recycled supply products specification.
   If in procuring supplies, a recycled product can achieve the necessary City performance standard, and if such recycled product is readily available, specifications should, if economically feasible, require products made with recycled materials be bid. If the Department Head determines that (1) a recycled product lacks performance capabilities or needed quality levels, or (2) a sufficient amount of said recycled or reusable product is not currently available in the market, then a reduced percentage can be required, or the supply specification can be limited to non-recycled or virgin materials. When recycled products are required, reasonable efforts shall be made to label the products as containing recycled materials. As used in this section, recycled products does not mean used products, but is limited to new products made with materials which have been recycled.
(§ 1, Ord. 1638-NS, eff. January 12, 2018)