Sec. 8-13.02. Model homes.
   All model homes in new subdivisions shall accurately represent the corresponding production homes which are built or proposed to be built. No change or alteration in the quality or quantity of construction materials or decorator finishes shall be made or permitted in any model home which constitutes a difference from that which is or will be provided by the developer in any corresponding completed production home, unless such change or alteration in the model is clearly marked and prominently indicated in the model by a sign or other marker, at the location of the change or alteration, containing letters and/or numbers, not less than two (2") inches in height, accurately setting forth how or in what respect completed production homes will or may be different. Those items installed in the model by the developer as decorator items (not for sale) and optional accessory furnishings or materials shall likewise be marked with signs, of not less than two (2") inch letters, indicating such to prospective purchasers. In lieu of this requirement, a statement of differences between the models and production homes may be provided to prospective buyers, together with a list of the various options available to such buyers.
(§ 1, Ord. 569-NS, eff. May 13, 1976)